Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Time is here until the world ends. It is you that is going

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

― Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Screenplay

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Your wife, your life - Factual Advice for Men

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1. Your wife is not perfect, forgive her.

2. Your wife is the bone of your bone, do not break her.

3. Your wife is a gift, appreciate her.

4. Your wife is a rare gem, guide her jealously.

5. Your wife is your best friend, be friendly with her.

6. Your wife is your joy, nourish her.
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7. Your wife is to be cherish, be cheerful to her.

8. Your wife is your portion, cherish her.

9. Your wife is not a devil, don’t dump her.

10. Your wife is not only good for sex, carry her along in every issue.

Love Is The Greatest!!
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11. Your wife is not your enemy, encourage her.

12. Your wife is not a family material, never commit her unto the hand of your family members.

13. Your wife is not your rival, don’t compete with her.

14. Your wife is a female gender, honor her.

15. Your wife is not common, don’t compare her.

16. Your wife is not a wash hand base, stop abusing her.

17. Your wife is a weaker vessel, handle her with care.

18. Your wife is a beautiful queen, celebrate her.

19. Your wife is not a fighter, don’t fight her.

20. Your wife is not a punching bag, don’t beat her.
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21. Your wife is not a game, don’t play her.

22. Your wife need foreplay, don’t rape her.

23. Your wife is a hook, get hook to her.

24. Your wife is all you love, praise her.

25. Your wife is important, honor her.
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26. Your wife is what u make her to be, accept her.

27. Your wife is your joy, pursue her.

28. Your wife needs your honor, never embarrass her in the public.

29. Your wife is not a knife, be nice to her.

30. Your wife is a distinct personality, never compare her to any work.
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31. Your wife is loyal, don’t be suspicious of her.

32. Your wife is not a fool, listen to her advice.

33. Your wife is not malicious, do not keep malice with her.

34. Your wife is the best friend you can have, befriend her.

35. Your wife is not a napkin, do not misuse her.
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36. Your wife is not your house girl, support her in the kitchen.

37. Your wife is passionate, do not by- pass her.

38. Your wife is very important to you, do not abandon her.

39. Your wife is a queen, do not quarrel with her.
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40. Your wife is not the only owner of the sit, help her to baby sit.

41. Your wife is reasonable, do not under- rate her.

42. Your wife is your responsibility, provide for her.

43. Your wife is yourself, do not separate her bed.

44. Your wife is number one in your life, priorities her

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45. Your wife is your treasure, jealously guide her.

46. Your wife need your help, help her.

47. Your wife need your full attention, do not give it to T.V set.

48. Your wife is valuable, add more value to her.

49. Your wife is your crown, do not abandon her.

50. You will account to God about your wife, handle her with care. She may be or seem fragile, but is strong.
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God bless our wives.


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Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is the one of the richest men in the world — and with good reason. He helped revolutionize the world by putting a computer on every desk.

Here’s what he has to say about money.

Footballer, Ronaldinho first gained media attention when his youth team won 23 – 0. He scored all 23 goals. SEE SOME STRANGE BUT TRUE AND AMAZING FOOTBALL FACTS.

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It seems unbelievable at first but yes..., if you do your own research you'd figure out they did happen exactly that way they did. So if you're a football fan, here are some super interesting facts outta the world of football.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Do You Know That One Twin Can Eat the Other Before Birth? Here are mind-blowing facts about TWINS


Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can either be monozygotic (identical), meaning that they can develop from just one zygote that will then split and form two embryos, or dizygotic (fraternal), meaning that they can develop from two different eggs, each are fertilized by separate sperm cells. What ever the case, you kjsy choose to agree with me that twinnies posses unique traits that make them a center for attraction anywhere they go.

Here are super-amazing facts about twins...

George Carlin's Views on Aging. There is no return ticket

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Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.

Monday, October 8, 2018

DO You Know There Are Situations That Can Ruin You If You Do Not PLAN WELL? Put Yourself On A Check

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Life comes with its intricacies, but planning and planning well helps you stay afloat, whether others are flying or struggling. The fact is, proper planning with patience can help you glide through present situations till you succeed and your game upgrades. 

Check them out...

Monday, September 24, 2018

DO YOU KNOW...Humans spend about a third of their lives asleep? Here are Amazing facts about Sleeping

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As humans we spend an average of 25 years sleeping, that’s a third of our life.

Find out more about Sleeping Facts and be amazed about this fascinating feature of nature.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Do You Know Some Fruits can Poison You and Make You Sick to Death? Here are some interesting Facts about Fruits...

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We do eat fruit produced from plants every day or time but we do not know the one that carries lethal poisons. Most of us think that eating fruit can be nothing but healthy, but the truth is...there are hidden dangers in many common foods. Poisons that make you sick, paralyze and even kill you are hidden in some of our favorites.

People accidentally kill themselves by ignorantly eating the wrong part of a plant or fruit. In order to ensure that this never happens to you, here is a list of poisonous fruits you have to be careful dealing with...

Monday, August 27, 2018

Harvard Professor Says Coconut Oil Is Pure Poison -Must Read!

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A 50-minute long German lecture becoming a viral hit on YouTube might sound unusual — but the title of the talk by Karin Michels, director of the Institute for Prevention and Tumor Epidemiology at the University of Freiburg and professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, has caused a bit of a stir online.

Do you know that 4 in 5 older adults will battle at least one chronic condition or illness? Here are interesting facts about Old Age

Have you ever wondered what will happen to you when you grow old, How your body will function when the grey hair begins to show, what becomes of you when your bones begin to brittle?

Here are some interesting facts about old age.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


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I have been getting lots of mosquito bites that I feel if every bite has monetary value I should be a millionaire by now. I practically killed over 30 mosquitoes last night, I barely slept.

That prompted me to do a bit of research about them just to understand how they operate and their make up maybe I can finally find the most effective way of eliminating them from my home.

Permit me to share with you amazing facts about mosquitoes...


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Imagine you sitting in an eatery with your friends and your crush and suddenly in the middle of the meal a loud belch escapes from your mouth, pretty embarrassing, init?

Burps or belches are simply the sound of gas leaving your body, gas you swallow while eating or drinking. If you're drinking pop with your meal, you're also swallowing another gas - carbon dioxide which is full of bubbles. Those bubbles in your body don't just float around. They need to go somewhere. Extra gas escapes from the stomach, travels up the esophagus and comes out the mouth.

Gas can quickly escape which is why we can't always cover our mouth in time.

So here are interesting facts about belching...

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Do you know the origin of jean wears, bikini and the word 'CAMOUFLAGE'? Let’s Explore France to find out

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France is one of the countries that qualified for the semi-finals of Russia 2018 World Cup and in the mood of the excitement, let's explore what interesting facts the historical country has to offer. I will profile Croatia, England and Belgium very soon, but today is France's Day!!!

Do you know the story behind this proverb which originated from Sapon, Abeokuta..."Şe b'o ti mọ, Ẹlẹwa Şapọn"?

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SAPON IN ABEOKUTA: Meaning, Story and Myth.
Madam Janet Ọdẹsọla : The famous beans Seller In Abeokuta
"Şe b'o ti mọ, Ẹlẹwa Şapọn".

15 High-in-Demand Everyday Commodities in Nigeria

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Hi. Its been  a while that I have been away. Did you miss me? Well its all about refocusing and redefining self and priorities. Anyways, I am glad to be back and better with juicy and interesting fact so you can upgrade your knowledge bank and be wowed with the super exciting and amazing facts that I was able to gather.

Today I want to intimate you with 15 High-in-Demand Everyday Commodities in Nigeria just in case you are tinkering with starting up a business but you’re not sure or maybe you’re confused with which would be financially and viable.

Being an entrepreneur is not as easy as pronouncing the word itself... [ ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr ], ENTERpreneur. But then you may want to consider these business ideas and see which would be more preferable, not time consuming and can generate income for you...

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Farting is flammable. Womens' fart smells worse than mens'. Inhaling farts can be healthy. Dogs love the smell of farts. Here are interesting #FartFacts

Call it Flatulence, call it Farting, its no 'biggy' but its a biggy, as it is a normal occurrence for some people while others consider it inappropriate in public and would rather inconvenient themselves that to be ridiculed by a letting out from down below.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Did you know that your baby pees in the womb? And do you know where that pee goes to? Check out these totally amazing #PREGNANCYFacts and find out

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Did you know that your baby pees in the womb? And do you know where that pee goes to? They drink it. Kind of disgusting, right?! 

Here are weird facts about pregnancy that you may or may not already know ...


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I posted about Hens not quite long, thought to add these about Eagles so we can learn and truly live above these creatures...


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We just kill them and eat, but there's so much we can learn from  Hens. Let's take that learning ride...

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

George Weah who was the African Player of the Century is the President-Elect of Liberia. Check out these super interesting facts about #GeorgeWeah

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George Weah’s emergence as Liberia’s President-elect after the December 26 run-off election generated considerable interest among Nigerians for a number of reasons. Number one is George Weah’s popularity.

So let's intimate you with some amazingly interesting facts about this man called George Weah...enjoy!!

I wan japa go UK!! What do you even know about UK?

England  Country: England's is a single country within the United Kingdom. Capital: London. Geography: It is located in the southern par...