Saturday, November 24, 2018

DO YOU KNOW BALLOON is pronounced as Buh-Loon, not Baa-loon? Improve your pronunciation + common idioms with these English words

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Image may contain: text that says 'ENGLISH IDIOMS "Don't cry over spilt milk" Don't worry about past events which cannot be changed. /TimeforLearning'

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Image may contain: text that says 'ENGLISH PROVERBS "The pen is mightier than the sword' " Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want. f /TimeforLearning'

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culled from Facebook

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I wan japa go UK!! What do you even know about UK?

England  Country: England's is a single country within the United Kingdom. Capital: London. Geography: It is located in the southern par...