Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can either be monozygotic (identical), meaning that they can develop from just one zygote that will then split and form two embryos, or dizygotic (fraternal), meaning that they can develop from two different eggs, each are fertilized by separate sperm cells. What ever the case, you kjsy choose to agree with me that twinnies posses unique traits that make them a center for attraction anywhere they go.
Here are super-amazing facts about twins...
1. In 1980, one in every 53 babies born in the United States was a twin. By 2009, that number had risen to one in 30, which means that over three decades, the twin birth rate (number of twins per 1,000 births) rose 76%.
2. The chances of having a twin pregnancy is increased by maternal age (30+).
3. Identical twins are the result of a random split of a single egg and cannot be genetically predisposed.
4. Male twins will not have twins unless their wives have the ability to produce two eggs.
5. Identical twins share the same DNA but do not have the same fingerprints.

6. About 1 in 250 pregnancies results in identical twins.
7. 22% percent of twins are left handed, compared to 10% in singletons.
8. Fraternal twin girls have twice the chance of giving birth to twins than singletons.
9. Vanishing twin syndrome; 15-20% percent of all twin pregnancies will miscarry one foetus.
10. Some estimates suggest 1 in 8 people started life as a twin while 1 in 70 actually are a twin.
11. Once you have fraternal twins, you are 3 to 4 times more likely to have another set!
13. Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple births and more identical twins.
14. China has the lowest rate for multiple births averaging 1 in 300.
15. A study shows vegans are five times less likely to have twins than women who consume diary.

16. For polar bears, twins aren’t unusual at all. In fact, they most commonly give birth to twins, and rarely deliver single cubs or triplets.
17. Twins bond in the womb. By examining 3D ultrasound images, a study in Padova, Italy found that fetuses start deliberately interacting at 14 weeks.
18. 40% of twins invent their own language.
19. They tend to be early – over 50% of twins are born before 37 weeks.

20. About 25 percent of identical twins develop directly facing each other, meaning they become exact reflections of one another. This occurs when the twins split from one fertilized egg more than a week after conception.
21. More than half of twins are born with a low birthweight, which can contribute to long term health problems like asthma.
22. Having twins isn't always good for the mother either. Risks for things like gestational hypertension are higher.
23. There is a twin gene! But only for fraternal twins (two separate eggs). There isn't any gene that contributes to the formation of identical twins (one single egg).
24. That A Set of Twins Can Be of Different Biological Fathers and Races? It happens when two eggs released from a woman’s ovaries are fertilized by sperm cells of two different men, especially when the lady has more than one sexual partner.
25. One of a Twin can significantly outgrow the other. It has been discovered on several occasions that both survived and carried on well to adulthood, though the favored twin on most occasions remain bigger than the other.
26. No Matter how Identical, Twins do not have the same Finger Prints. No two individuals ever have the same finger prints. It is one of the most unique ways to tell between two different human beings even when they are the most identical twins ever.
27. Trained Sniffer Dogs Can Identify Identical Twins
28. ,Research has shown that women who gave birth to twins tend to live longer than their counterparts who did not. It is believed that for a woman to be able to give birth to twins, she is generally much more healthy than another woman who do not have twins.
29. Twins Interact With Each Other in the Womb. According to a report, as early as 14 weeks from conception, twins were seen reaching for each other. Four weeks later, twins in the womb touched each other more often than they touched their own bodies. The twins were gentle to each other and made distinct gestures towards each other.
30. Siamese Twins Can Hear each other’s thoughts and See through each other’s eyes!
31. Another Way to tell between Identical Twins is their Navel (Belly Buttons). Just as with finger prints, no two human beings have the same pattern of scar after the healing of the cut umbilical cord.
32. It has been discovered scientifically that mothers who take in a lot of milk and other dairy products stand better chances of giving birth to twins than their counterparts who don’t. This is because cows, like humans, also produce IGF and release it into their milk, which the women consume.
33. Simultaenous Body Temperature Adjustment. The body of a twin mother has the ability to naturally and automatically adjust to varying degrees of temperature to suit the needs of each twin whenever she is carrying them. This happens most when she is breastfeeding them.
34. Twins are more likely to be left-handed than single babies. It has been noticed that left-handedness is more common among twins than it is with single children.
34. Though a set of Twins grew up apart, they maintain highly similar behaviours. Twins have the ability to still behave in stunningly similar ways when they grow up even if they were separated at birth. On several occasions, it has been noticed, they grew up to love the same career, pets, colours, etc.
35. Twins invent their own Language. A majority of twins develop a unique language of interaction between each other right before they acquire their first language. They can understand each other’s blabbing and gestures and interact freely in their own world before they learn how to speak.
36. A Fraternal Twin will likely give birth to a Fraternal set of Twins. If a mother is a non-identical twin, there’s every possibility that if she gives birth to a set of twins, they’ll equally be non-identical.

37. Twins Can be born in two different Years. Some twins are born apart with the time difference ranging from days to months. Records have shown that some twins were born about 85-87 days apart which is approximately 3 months gap.
38. Central Africans Give Birth to Twins The Most. When it comes to having twins, not all regions are created equal. Central Africa snags the record for the highest twin birthrate, while Asia and Latin America have much lower rates of twinning, according to a new international study and global twins database. According to same study, the central African country of Benin has the highest national average of twinning, with a whopping 27.9 twins per 1,000 births.

39. One Twin Can Eat The Other. This is termed as the ‘Vanishing Twin Syndrome’ where one of the babies does not survive early in the pregnancy. The embryo is absorbed by either your body or the other baby’s body and does not lead to any complications during the rest of the pregnancy. This happens quite often because statistically, 1 in 8 pregnancies starts out as a twin pregnancy while only 1 in 70 results in the birth of twins.
Wish I came to the world a twin!! hehe
Wish I came to the world a twin!! hehe
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