Monday, October 8, 2018

DO You Know There Are Situations That Can Ruin You If You Do Not PLAN WELL? Put Yourself On A Check

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Life comes with its intricacies, but planning and planning well helps you stay afloat, whether others are flying or struggling. The fact is, proper planning with patience can help you glide through present situations till you succeed and your game upgrades. 

Check them out...

Put your kids in schools you can afford (expensive schools doesn’t guarantee good results) Just ensure they attend a good affordable school. Most importantly have time and give them good training at home.


Rent apartments you can pay for conveniently, don’t live in a house you struggle to pay yearly. That's a source of stress. If it doesn't break you down it will break your marriage.

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A man whose wife is pregnant has good 9 months to prepare, so also is the pregnant woman in question. They should even plan for the worse and only seek help when they can’t meet up.

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Some problems in our lives don’t just pop up, 12 months ago, we knew we would pay rents... So its not an emergency...

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Let’s plan our lives and live within our means.Save more and spend less, some women buy food for their children every morning before going to school, do you know it’s cheaper to cook at home? Some buy every dress that is nice to them and also buy shoe and bag to match.

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Some people who don’t earn much, but have A-list decoder at home, go for a cost effective one at first then upgrade when your income upgrades. It’s still the same BBC and Nat Geo.

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Eat healthy meals and protect your family from mosquitoes to avoid going to the hospital always. Take advantage of food and fruits in season, its cheaper and you can be creative to create amazing meals.

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Don’t copy Aunty Ama's style of cooking soup, she earns well and her husband is a ‘big man’.

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We stress ourselves trying to achieve and accomplish so many things at ago especially if its above our means. For instance going to school, keeping a home and family, building and renting, personal business, church activities etc all at the same time. Life is step after the other. Death will eventually be our end.

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When buying a car buy one that is fuel efficient and corresponds with your salary. Don't follow the trend. All you need is a means of convenient and reliable transportation not a source of additional stress.

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Don’t follow trends, wear clean well ironed clothes and keep your hair neat. You would still slay.

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*Keep your circle small, keep only friends that have sense!*

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Planning is key, if we plan properly we might not need to ask anyone for anything.

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Above all things, have the fear of God, have integrity, don’t be lazy and be prayerful. Finally be empathetic to the suffering of others.

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