Sunday, August 19, 2018


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Imagine you sitting in an eatery with your friends and your crush and suddenly in the middle of the meal a loud belch escapes from your mouth, pretty embarrassing, init?

Burps or belches are simply the sound of gas leaving your body, gas you swallow while eating or drinking. If you're drinking pop with your meal, you're also swallowing another gas - carbon dioxide which is full of bubbles. Those bubbles in your body don't just float around. They need to go somewhere. Extra gas escapes from the stomach, travels up the esophagus and comes out the mouth.

Gas can quickly escape which is why we can't always cover our mouth in time.

So here are interesting facts about belching...

·      Belching, also known as burping releases gas that has built up in your body from swallowing air. You might not know it, but you swallow air all the time - especially when you eat or talk quickly, chew gum, or drink through a straw.

·      Most people burp between 6 and 20 times a day!

·      In some cultures, a burp after a meal is considered to be a compliment to the chef. India happens to be one of them!

·      When an astronaut burps in outer space, there is a high chance that some food particles will also come out in what some call a wet burp! Yuck!

·      Babies need to be burped when they're young because they swallow a lot of air and can't expel it because of their inability to sit up straight.

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The longest burp ever recorded is 1 minute 13 seconds and 57 milliseconds long and was achieved by Michele Forgione in Reggiolo, Italy, on June 16, 2009.

·      The loudest burp ever recorded was 109.9 decibels and was achieved by Paul Hunn in Bognor Regis, United Kingdom, on August 23, 2009. That's louder than the roar of a motorcycle or chainsaw!

·      The official medical term for burping is 'eructation.’

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Every year, cows in the U.S.A. burp about 50 million tons of gas into the atmosphere, majorly contributing to the greenhouse effect. The burps of ten cows could heat a small house for a year.

·      Chickens can't burp.

·      The more you burp, the less you fart!

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·      You can avoid/reduce burping (or farting) by lowering your dairy, legume and cruciferous vegetable intake, and trying to reduce stress levels.

·      Much like a sneeze, a burp is your body's way of taking care of itself.

·      Aerophagia is the term used for excessive burping.

·      Chewing gum, smoking, carbonated drinks and eating too fast can cause Aerophagia.

·      Stress and tension can upset your stomach and can lead to burping.

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·      Foods like carbonated drinks, alcohol, and food high in starch, sugar, beans, lentils, broccoli, peas, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, bananas, raisins, and whole-wheat bread can cause excessive burping.

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·      Eating too fast builds up air in your stomach and can cause unnecessary burps.

·      A wet burp is a slang term for a burp where a small amount of liquid is regurgitated.

·      Burping can also be caused intentionally from being humorous or through learned behaviours. It can be done intentionally out of entertainment of being humorous by children and some adults alike.

·       In the Western world, burping out loud is considered impolite – rude and poor manners. Therefore, burping quietly and covering ones mouth is important and should be accompanied by saying “excuse me” whether your burp is loud or quiet.

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So before you belch, find out which country or region you are first so you don't become offensive to acquaintances there.

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