Saturday, January 13, 2018

Farting is flammable. Womens' fart smells worse than mens'. Inhaling farts can be healthy. Dogs love the smell of farts. Here are interesting #FartFacts

Call it Flatulence, call it Farting, its no 'biggy' but its a biggy, as it is a normal occurrence for some people while others consider it inappropriate in public and would rather inconvenient themselves that to be ridiculed by a letting out from down below.
Flatulence is defined in the medical literature as "flatus expelled through the anus" or the "quality or state of being flatulent", which is defined in turn as "marked by or affected with gases generated in the intestine or stomach; likely to cause digestive flatulence".

The root of these words is from the Latin flatus – "a blowing, a breaking wind". Flatus is also the medical word for gas generated in the stomach or bowels. Despite these standard definitions, a proportion of intestinal gas may be swallowed environmental air, and hence flatus is not totally generated in the stomach or bowels. The scientific study of this area of medicine is termed flatology. 

So for you to have a comprehensive understanding and appreciate what farting is, here is can compilation of facts about flatulenc aka fart, or farting...

* Farts get their noxious smell from just 1% of the gas you expel. Ninety-nine percent of a fart is composed of odorless gases. The remaining 1% — usually sulfurous, like dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol — give farts their pungent 'aroma'.

* On average, you'll pass about half a liter of gas a day.

* Fourteen is the magic number when it comes to breaking wind. The average healthy human passes gas about 14 times a day.

* Some of the food that cause flatulence are good for you. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beans, broccoli, cabbage, and bran are the most common culprits. Fructose, the sugar found in fruit, and dairy products also cause more flatulence.

* Some of these foods also cause smellier farts. Some food and drink, like eggs and meat, can cause stinkier farts because they are rich in sulfur.

* Farts have been clocked at speeds of up to 10 feet per second.

* Ladies, you're just as guilty as the gentlemen when it comes to ripping one. Women produce the same amount of flatulence as men.

* Believe the hype. Flatulence is flamable.

* Passing gas too much? You can fix that. Take your time when you eat smaller meals, stay calm, exercise, and you're golden!

* There's a reason not all farts sound the same. Variety is the spice of life, right? Flatulence varies in sound due to a variety of factors, namely, the amount of gas, the force at which it is expelled, and the tightness of the sphincter muscles.

* Holding in farts IS NOT dangerous to your health. But it can cause unnecessary cramps and pain.

* All the humans that have ever lived have released approximately 17 quadrillion farts. When you multiply the number of farts per day by the number of humans ever to have lived by average lifespan by 365, you come up with the 17 quadrillion number.

* What exactly is a fart? Flatulence—which occurs in nearly all living organisms—is a mixture of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and in some cases, methane. These gases are produced as the byproduct of the trillions of bacteria that break down food during the digestive process. 

* Women’s farts smell worse than men’s. Female farts have a higher hydrogen sulfide concentration than male ones and thus, they’re smellier than guys' farts.

* A fart by any other name would smell as stinky.
The word “fart” is considered a “vulgarism” and—just like farting itself—is not recommended for use in polite company. The polite noun is “flatus,” even though almost no one uses it. The word “fart” is said to have been coined in 1632 and defined as “to send forth wind from the anus.” I’m not sure where “wind” comes into this because I’ve never smelled wind that makes me want to vomit. But “fart” is derived from the Old English word “feortan,” which means “to break wind.” 

* Roman Emperor Claudius declared that “all Roman citizens should be allowed to pass gas whenever necessary,” which is an ancient variant of the modern maxim, “Wherever you be, let the wind blow free.” The ancient Japanese were said to have held “farting contests” to see who could break wind the loudest and longest. The Greek physician Hippocrates decreed that “Passing gas is necessary to well-being.”

* Adolf Hitler was a chronic 'wind breaker'. Not only was the infamous Nazi dictator a speed freak, he also suffered from hepatitis and gastrointestinal cramps, which led to a condition of chronic flatulence for which he took 28 different medications. It is almost certain that no one complained to Hitler about the smell. 

* A manufacturer known as Shreddies produces underwear featuring “charcoal-lined pads” designed to lessen the offensiveness of your wanton wind-breaking. 

* There are pills that can make your farts smell like chocolate or roses—take your pick. A Frenchman named Christian Poincheval became disgusted at a dinner party with friends: “Our farts were so smelly we were nearly suffocated. Something had to be done.” Rather than whine, the proactive, fart-fighting inventor developed a pill that renders human flatulence as sweet as roses or as seductive as chocolate. And he now sells them online! 

* Natural, earth-borne substances that diminish the brunt force of flatulence include peppermint, ginger, yogurt, pumpkin, cardamom, and fennel. 

* It’s uncomfortably easy to fart on airplanes. Due to cabin pressure, more intestinal gas builds up while on an airplane. What’s worse, the fact that 50% of cabin air is recirculated means that those stinkers will linger longer than normal. 

* On the other hand, it’s impossible to fart in the deep blue sea.
Underwater pressure at depths of 33 or more feet below sea level digestive gas ceases to form bubbles and instead festers inside the scuba diver’s colon. 

* Members of a South American tribe greet one another by farting. The Yanomami tribe who inhabit the Amazonian rain forest traditionally greet one another with a loud, friendly blast of anal gas. 

* There are people who fart for a living. They’re known as “flatulists.” A legendary French performer known as “Le Pétomane”—which roughly translates as “Fartomaniac”—dazzled audiences at Le Moulin Rouge by using his anus to emulate “sound effects of cannon fire and thunderstorms” as well as playing songs on “an ocarina through a rubber tube in his anus.” Also, a masked British gent who goes by the handle “Mr. Methane” has wowed audiences with his ability to break wind at will

* Inhaling farts can be healthy. According to researchers at Exeter University, sniffing tiny amounts of hydrogen sulfide—the precise gas that makes farts stink—can reverse mitochondrial damage and help avert strokes, dementia, cancer, and heart attacks. 

* The reason why your own farts don’t smell as bad to you as everyone else’s. One becomes “habituated” to the stinks and odors and aromas that one’s own body generates and is thus not as immediately offended as one would be by the stench of others. 

* Farting among the dead. For up to three hours after death and before rigor mortis sets in, dead human bodies have been known to continue burping and farting.

* Tighter anus = louder farts. If you tend to emit farts that are as loud as a Metallica concert, this only means that you don’t have a wide-open, sloppy anus that would let you rip ’em much more silently. So go ahead and be embarrassed that you fart so loudly, but also take some pride in the fact that your anus is tight.

* “Professional Fart Smeller” is a job in China. These smart fellers make up to $50,000 a year by diagnosing digestive illnesses merely through the scent of the patient’s flatulence. 

* Dogs love the smell of farts. Although you probably blame Man’s Best Friend when you fart in front of company, your dog will never blame you for farting—that’s because they adore the aroma of flatulence and will even poke their snout in your ass to get a better whiff. 

* Termites are the biggest farters on Earth. Those disgusting little wood-chewing insects are said to be responsible for a whopping 11 percent of all methane emissions on the planet—more than even cows or humans—even vegetarians! According to the EPA:
Global emissions of methane due to termites are estimated to be between 2 and 22 Tg per year, making them the second largest natural source of methane emissions. Methane is produced in termites as part of their normal digestive process, and the amount generated varies among different species.
Termite “soldiers” are also able to explode themselves like suicide bombers with a combination of farts and feces in a process called “autothysis.” Scientists have even discovered prehistoric fossilized termite farts trapped in amber. 

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* Some beetles fart to attract mates. The female Southern Pine Beetle, who rips pheromone-laden farts to attract male suitors. 

* Herring communicate by farting. The gentle and tasty marine creature known as the humble herring communicates with other herring through the noises generated by underwater farting.

* There’s a marine creature that farts into its own mouth. It is called “Sea Lily.” Its intestinal tract is U-shaped, which means that its flatulence is released right near its own mouth. 

* How many farts would it take to make an atomic bomb? Apparently there are people with so much time on their hands, they sit around estimating such potentialities. One estimate is that a person would have to fart nonstop for six years and nine months to generate the energy of one atomic bomb. Or everyone on Earth would have to rip nine farts simultaneously to make a hydrogen bomb.

* Some people have a “fart fetish.” Even though most people recoil at the very mention of the word “fart,” there’s a small subset of humans who are supremely sexually aroused by flatulence. The fetish is called “eproctophilia.” 

* Nearly half of all women have farted during sex.
According to a study at the University of California San Francisco-East Bay, 43% of women surveyed reported that they’d experienced “flatal incontinence” within the previous three months.

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* Flatulence as a defense mechanism. A psychoanalyst published a case study in 1996 about a boy who’d been abandoned by his parents and learned to “envelop himself in a protective cloud of familiarity” by fending off would-be intruders with the smell of his intestinal gas. The researcher referred to this as “defensive flatulence.”

* Explosions during intestinal surgery. The annals of science include a few cases in which the build-up of intestinal gases during surgery actually led to explosions in the operating room. 

* There are hundreds of other terms for “fart.”
Such euphemisms include “thunder down under,” “trouser cough,” “rectal honk,” and “colonic calliope.” 

* Sometimes flatulence isn’t actually from digestion. 
According to a 1942 medical paper, people often attribute gas to indigestion, when it may be something else entirely. The author writes:

The chronic belcher is swallowing air because he is nervous or frightened; the woman who bloats may have only an angioneurotic edema of her bowel; the man who feels as if he had gas in his stomach may have only a duodenal ulcer or constipation, and the man who is passing much flatus may only be chewing gum and swallowing much air with the saliva.

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* A 2011 study found that most people do not fart more if they eat more beans. While a sudden increase in bean intake may cause some flatulence for a few people, it normalizes over time.

* It’s possible to think too much about your farts. In a psychological case study about a 33-year-old woman who was having obsessing thoughts about farting, the poor farting soul was essentially instructed to "fart harder," for a whole year. The paradoxical instructions helped rid her of the obsessive thoughts.

* Farts can ruin careers. In 2014, an opera singer sued her hospital over a botched medical procedure during the birth of her child that left her with excessive flatulence. The lawsuit alleged that “As a result of her incontinence and excessive flatulence,” the singer was unable to work, as the New York Post reported.

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* Men fart quite more often than women. An average person farts about 14 times every day.

* Gum and soda make you fart more, thus if you know somebody who farts a lot and they drink a lot of soda and chew gum often, hide it from them.

* Most of the farting happens at night while we are asleep.

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* Around 1.15 million farts happen every second on earth.
Simple math: When you factor in that the average person farts 14 times in a day, times that by 7.125 billion people, and divide by 86,400 seconds in a day, you end up with a grand total of 1,158,564 farts every second. That’s 100 billion daily! if you have to. It's an evidence of good living.

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