A woman is a female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. The term woman is also sometimes used to identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "women's rights". Women with typical genetic development are usually capable of giving birth from puberty until menopause. With regard to gender, a woman may also be a person whose sex does not align with their gender identity,[1] or those who have sexual characteristics that do not fit typical notions of male or female.
Here are some interesting facts about women...you will be wowed!!
* The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes. The average woman hears three pieces of gossip every week and will probably pass it on to at least one more person. Three in ten women are compelled to reveal secrets, two-thirds feel guilty after doing it and only three-quarters claim that they can be fully trusted to keep a secret to themselves.
* Women think about their appearance 9 times a day

* Women can get pregnant even 5 to 8 days after having sex.
* Women spend nearly one year of their lives deciding what to wear.
* Short female drivers that sit close to the steering wheel are the most likely to be killed by an air bag.
* Women live longer than men partly because their immune systems age more slowly.

* Dirty water kills more womenworldwide than diabetes, AIDS, or Cancer'>breast cancer.
* To avoid facial wrinkles, a woman claims to have not smiled or laughed for 40 years, even after the birth of her daughter.
* Women are better multitaskers than men.

* Men and women’s clothes are buttoned on opposite sides because in the past few centuries, in high society, men generally dressed themselves whereas women were dressed by servants. Reversing the buttons on women’s clothes made the job faster and easier.
* Women were allowed to enter combat roles in the Israel. They performed at a level equal to men, but the program was still abolished for two reasons, i.e., Islamist fighters refused to surrender to women, and the men in the unit would lose all combat discipline when a woman was injured.
* In Saudi Arabia, women are allowed to fly aircraft, though they must be chauffeured to the airport because it’s illegal for them to drive a car.

* Women in poor countries with worse health tend to be attracted more to masculine looking men, while women in rich countries prefer more feminine looking men.
* Women experience significantly more nightmares than men and have more emotional dreams, a research found.
* Some women can have a genetic mutation which causes them to gain a 4th color-vision cone in their eyes, allowing them to see millions of more colors.
* The tradition of “women and children first” protocol is a legacy from the Birkenhead, a ship that ran into a dangerous reef, and whose soldiers famously stood firm allowing the women and children to board the boats safely as there were not enough serviceable lifeboats for all the passengers.
* In China, women who remain unmarried in their late 20s and beyond are called "Sheng nu" which means "leftover women."

* It has been found that applying male underarm sweat to a female’s upper lip helps relax women, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle.
* Shorter women have shorter pregnancies, a study found.
* On 5 April 2010, there were four women in space at the same time, the largest female gathering off planet to that point.

* The Parliament of Rwanda is the only governing body in the world where women outnumber men.
* The Tuareg people are nomads of Northern Africa, whose population is 1.2 million. The men wear veils and women do not; most women are literate while most men are illiterate; and livestock is owned by the women. They’re Muslim living in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

* A woman will more easily trust somebody who hugs her for at least 15 seconds.
* Worldwide, women earn US$18trillion but spend US$28 trillion.
* 80% of women’s wrinkles are caused by excessive sun exposure.

* A woman doesn’t like it when her hands are free, this is why she is likely to carry with her a purse, gloves, a book or…something else…
* The modern concept of women shaving their armpits only began in 1915.

* According to researches, an average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is approximately 5 entire days a year
* After making love, women don’t feel like sleeping. They feel like talking and kissing.

* The first computer programmerswere women.
* In the 19th century, doctors treated hysteria in women by
inducing orgasms. This is how the vibrator was invented.
* Over 200 women have run for President of the United States.

* 603 million womenlive in nations where domestic violence is not acrime.
* St Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.
* Women who get breast implants are 3 times more likely to commit suicide.

* Breastfeeding actuallychanges the way a mother's brain works, making her more attuned to the child's crying.

* Bras make breasts sag, according to a French study published in 2013.
* A woman's vaginal muscles can take up to 6 months to get back to their normal shape and size
after childbirth.

* America's first female mayor was elected in1887. A group of men nominated her as aprank, but she won over 60% of the vote.
* Women think about their appearance 9 times a day

* Women can get pregnant even 5 to 8 days after having sex.
* Women spend nearly one year of their lives deciding what to wear.
* Short female drivers that sit close to the steering wheel are the most likely to be killed by an air bag.
* Women live longer than men partly because their immune systems age more slowly.

* Dirty water kills more womenworldwide than diabetes, AIDS, or Cancer'>breast cancer.
* To avoid facial wrinkles, a woman claims to have not smiled or laughed for 40 years, even after the birth of her daughter.
* Women are better multitaskers than men.
* Men and women’s clothes are buttoned on opposite sides because in the past few centuries, in high society, men generally dressed themselves whereas women were dressed by servants. Reversing the buttons on women’s clothes made the job faster and easier.
* Women were allowed to enter combat roles in the Israel. They performed at a level equal to men, but the program was still abolished for two reasons, i.e., Islamist fighters refused to surrender to women, and the men in the unit would lose all combat discipline when a woman was injured.
* In Saudi Arabia, women are allowed to fly aircraft, though they must be chauffeured to the airport because it’s illegal for them to drive a car.

* Women in poor countries with worse health tend to be attracted more to masculine looking men, while women in rich countries prefer more feminine looking men.
* Women experience significantly more nightmares than men and have more emotional dreams, a research found.
* Some women can have a genetic mutation which causes them to gain a 4th color-vision cone in their eyes, allowing them to see millions of more colors.
* The tradition of “women and children first” protocol is a legacy from the Birkenhead, a ship that ran into a dangerous reef, and whose soldiers famously stood firm allowing the women and children to board the boats safely as there were not enough serviceable lifeboats for all the passengers.
* In China, women who remain unmarried in their late 20s and beyond are called "Sheng nu" which means "leftover women."

* It has been found that applying male underarm sweat to a female’s upper lip helps relax women, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle.
* Shorter women have shorter pregnancies, a study found.
* On 5 April 2010, there were four women in space at the same time, the largest female gathering off planet to that point.

* The Parliament of Rwanda is the only governing body in the world where women outnumber men.
* The Tuareg people are nomads of Northern Africa, whose population is 1.2 million. The men wear veils and women do not; most women are literate while most men are illiterate; and livestock is owned by the women. They’re Muslim living in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

* A woman will more easily trust somebody who hugs her for at least 15 seconds.
* Worldwide, women earn US$18trillion but spend US$28 trillion.
* 80% of women’s wrinkles are caused by excessive sun exposure.

* A woman doesn’t like it when her hands are free, this is why she is likely to carry with her a purse, gloves, a book or…something else…
* The modern concept of women shaving their armpits only began in 1915.

* According to researches, an average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is approximately 5 entire days a year
* After making love, women don’t feel like sleeping. They feel like talking and kissing.

* Oxytocin is believed to have a more significant impact on women than on men, which may be why womenassociate sexual attraction or sexual activity with romance and love more than men do.
* While turning to the call, a woman usually just turns her head, while a man will turn his entire body. It’s because women have more flexible neck.
* While making love, a woman worries about whether she looks pretty.

* A woman prefers that her man reads her desires in her eyes…this is why communication between the two genders often gets complicated.
* While turning to the call, a woman usually just turns her head, while a man will turn his entire body. It’s because women have more flexible neck.
* While making love, a woman worries about whether she looks pretty.
* A woman prefers that her man reads her desires in her eyes…this is why communication between the two genders often gets complicated.

* The first computer programmerswere women.
* In the 19th century, doctors treated hysteria in women by
inducing orgasms. This is how the vibrator was invented.
* Over 200 women have run for President of the United States.
* 603 million womenlive in nations where domestic violence is not acrime.
* St Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.
* Women who get breast implants are 3 times more likely to commit suicide.

* Breastfeeding actuallychanges the way a mother's brain works, making her more attuned to the child's crying.

* Bras make breasts sag, according to a French study published in 2013.
* A woman's vaginal muscles can take up to 6 months to get back to their normal shape and size
after childbirth.

* America's first female mayor was elected in1887. A group of men nominated her as aprank, but she won over 60% of the vote.

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