Modern historians have preserved countless amounts of information and facts about long and varied history of clocks. Here you can find the most interesting stories about the inventor, types, the way clock operate and much more.
Clock is always associated with time. The beginning of time is dated back when the Egyptian people created the twenty four hours. That’s why the Egyptian people were the one who take the credit of the first people who knew about time. Find out more facts in the post below:
* The people in the past had different time arrangement. The position of the stars in the sky designated the time. The night had 20 hours. The days in the past had ten hours. To keep the track of the day hours, the people looked at a shadow clock.
* An Institute in Colorado created a clock so accurate it won’t lose/gain a second in 20 million years. This is the clock used for internet time/.
* “o’clock” is a contraction of “stroke of the clock” and comes from 15th century references to medieval mechanical clocks.
* Clockwise and counterclockwise were originally sunwise and widdershins before clocks were common.
* France once tried simplifying time by using a decimal clock, in which there were only 10 hours in a day.

* Before alarm clocks, there was a profession called a knocker-upper who would go around and knock on your door until you woke up.
* A massive clock, hundreds of feet tall, is currently being constructed inside a mountain in East Texas. It’s designed to withstand the test of time and expected to tick uninterrupted for over 10,000 years.
* A mechanical alarm clock was created by an American named Levi Hutchins in 1787. He made the device for himself and it only rang at 4 a.m., in order to wake him for his job. The French inventor Antoine Redier was the first to patent an adjustable mechanical alarm clock, in 1847, 60 years later.

* The clock’s hands moving ‘clockwise’ was intended to imitate the way the shadow on a sundial in the Northern hemisphere moves during the day.
* When you look at a clock, and the second hand seems to freeze for a moment, your brain is actually generating a false memory, and your perception of time stretches slightly backward. This effect is called chronostasis.

* Galileo invented the pendulum after seeing a swinging lantern. As a young man, Galileo Galilei, an inventor and pioneer, was a student at the University of Pisa studying Aristotelian physics, but he soon began rejecting the established approaches taught by his teachers. The lantern gave him the idea that a pendulum could be used to accurately measure time, developing the future of timekeeping immensely.
* Shadow clock and sundial were good to decide the time of the day. However, they failed to work when the night comes. Thus, the sand clock was invented to know the time at night. Today people still used this clock. However, no one knows the inventor of an hourglass or sand clock.
* Do you know that the oldest clock in the world is located in Salisbury, England? It was created in 1386.

Clock is always associated with time. The beginning of time is dated back when the Egyptian people created the twenty four hours. That’s why the Egyptian people were the one who take the credit of the first people who knew about time. Find out more facts in the post below:
* The people in the past had different time arrangement. The position of the stars in the sky designated the time. The night had 20 hours. The days in the past had ten hours. To keep the track of the day hours, the people looked at a shadow clock.
* An Institute in Colorado created a clock so accurate it won’t lose/gain a second in 20 million years. This is the clock used for internet time/.
* “o’clock” is a contraction of “stroke of the clock” and comes from 15th century references to medieval mechanical clocks.
* Clockwise and counterclockwise were originally sunwise and widdershins before clocks were common.
* France once tried simplifying time by using a decimal clock, in which there were only 10 hours in a day.

* Before alarm clocks, there was a profession called a knocker-upper who would go around and knock on your door until you woke up.
* A massive clock, hundreds of feet tall, is currently being constructed inside a mountain in East Texas. It’s designed to withstand the test of time and expected to tick uninterrupted for over 10,000 years.
* A mechanical alarm clock was created by an American named Levi Hutchins in 1787. He made the device for himself and it only rang at 4 a.m., in order to wake him for his job. The French inventor Antoine Redier was the first to patent an adjustable mechanical alarm clock, in 1847, 60 years later.
* The clock’s hands moving ‘clockwise’ was intended to imitate the way the shadow on a sundial in the Northern hemisphere moves during the day.
* When you look at a clock, and the second hand seems to freeze for a moment, your brain is actually generating a false memory, and your perception of time stretches slightly backward. This effect is called chronostasis.
* Galileo invented the pendulum after seeing a swinging lantern. As a young man, Galileo Galilei, an inventor and pioneer, was a student at the University of Pisa studying Aristotelian physics, but he soon began rejecting the established approaches taught by his teachers. The lantern gave him the idea that a pendulum could be used to accurately measure time, developing the future of timekeeping immensely.
* Shadow clock and sundial were good to decide the time of the day. However, they failed to work when the night comes. Thus, the sand clock was invented to know the time at night. Today people still used this clock. However, no one knows the inventor of an hourglass or sand clock.
* Do you know that the oldest clock in the world is located in Salisbury, England? It was created in 1386.
* In the Arabic language, the word for clock is the same as the word for “hour”. This is true whether you are talking about a wristwatch or a wall clock, an hour of time, or “o’clock”. They are all the same word.
* What is not widely known is that the ancient Greeks used water for telling time. These water clocks worked on the basis of falling water turning gears and levers to make the clock move.
* The first alarm clock was invented in Concord New Hampshire by Levi Hutchins in 1787. It was never patented as the inventor didn’t care about money, he just didn’t want to oversleep anymore.
* A clock is a device that tells the time. Some clocks can give the date as well as the time and a few give other information. There are different types of clocks. A watch is a type of clock that is small and can be carried.

* Analog clocks use angles to tell time. They have hands that rotate around the clock's face. The position of the hands shows the time. The face of the clock is a flat disk. It will often have the numbers one through twelve on the face to make it easier to read. Analog clocks commonly have two or three hands. If it has two, there is a large hand or minute hand and a smaller hand, the hour hand. Clocks with three hands also have a second hand. This hand is usually about as long as the minute hand, but much thinner.
* What is not widely known is that the ancient Greeks used water for telling time. These water clocks worked on the basis of falling water turning gears and levers to make the clock move.
* The first alarm clock was invented in Concord New Hampshire by Levi Hutchins in 1787. It was never patented as the inventor didn’t care about money, he just didn’t want to oversleep anymore.
* A clock is a device that tells the time. Some clocks can give the date as well as the time and a few give other information. There are different types of clocks. A watch is a type of clock that is small and can be carried.
* Analog clocks use angles to tell time. They have hands that rotate around the clock's face. The position of the hands shows the time. The face of the clock is a flat disk. It will often have the numbers one through twelve on the face to make it easier to read. Analog clocks commonly have two or three hands. If it has two, there is a large hand or minute hand and a smaller hand, the hour hand. Clocks with three hands also have a second hand. This hand is usually about as long as the minute hand, but much thinner.
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