Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Brain Can’t Feel Pain, Why? What Then Do Will Feel When We Say We Have HeadAche? Find Out More; Brain Facts Pt.3

The brain is the part of the body which lets us, as well as animals, make sense of things. It gets input from sense organs, and changes behaviour in response to this information. In humans, the brain also controls our use of language, and is capable of abstract thought. The brain is the control centre of the whole body. 

The brain is made up of a special type of cells. They are connected with each other and with the nerves in our body. In all animals the delicate brain is protected in some way. In ourselves, and all vertebrates, it is protected by the bones of the skull.

The Brain as a ttopic is very wide, more reason I had to break it into 3 parts so as not to bore you. But you would agree with me that what we have up there is a fantastic gift that can give us the world, if only we understand how it works, what its made up of and how to use it.

You can further explore amazing facts about the brain...view the rest down below...

* Our brains crave mental stimulation, sometimes to a fault. Men especially would rather give themselves electric shocks than sit quietly in a room and think! 

* Synesthesia is a condition where stimulation of one sense automatically evokes a perception of another sense. People with synesthesia might “taste” words, “smell” sounds, or see numbers as colors. While it’s not known exactly why this occurs, the prevailing theory is that these brains have hyper-connectivity between sensory areas in the brain.

* The human brain is extraordinarily complex and consequently can go awry in some spectacular ways. Some of the strangest disorders include exploding head syndrome disorder (hearing phantom explosions in your head), Capgras syndrome (thinking loved ones have been substituted by impostors, robots or aliens), and Cotard’s syndrome (believing you are dead).

* Savant syndrome is a condition where those with serious mental disabilities have an “island of genius.”  The most common areas of genius fall into one of these categories: music, art, mathematics, mechanical, or spatial skills.

* Most savants are born that way, but a brain trauma can cause acquired savant syndrome where ordinary people suddenly develop genius-level abilities they didn’t have before.

* Brain cells need a constant supply of fuel to stay alive, yet they lack the ability to store energy. Fortunately, there’s a backup system. Your liver breaks down stored fat to produce ketone bodies that can be used as a substitute fuel when commonly-used blood glucose is not available.

* The brain in your head isn’t your only brain. There’s a “second brain” in your intestines that contains 100 million neurons. Gut bacteria are responsible for making over 30 neurotransmitters including the “happy molecule” serotonin.

* Some scientists believe zombies could actually be created. They think it’s possible that a mutated virus or parasites could attack the brain and rapidly spread throughout large populations, essentially causing a “zombie apocalypse.”

* It’s not your imagination. Users of Apple devices really are different than those who use Android products. MRIs reveal that Apple products stimulate the “god spot” in their users’ brains — the same part of the brain activated by religious imagery in people of faith.

* Few facts about the brain are as strange as the posthumous story of Albert Einstein’s brain. The pathologist who performed Einstein’s autopsy kept the brain in a jar in his basement for 40 years. Eventually, he made a cross-country trip with the brain in a Tupperware container to deliver it  to Einstein’s granddaughter. 

* The brain is capable of surviving for 5 to 6 minutes only if it doesn’t get oxygen after which it dies.

* The blood vessels that are present in the brain are almost 100,000 miles in length.

* There are 100 billion neurons present in the brain.

* In early pregnancy, the neurons develop at an alarming rate of 250,000 per minute.

* As we grow older, we are unable to remember new things. According to the researchers in the US it is because the brain is unable to filter and remove old memories which prevent it from absorbing new ideas.

* The human brain is the most complex organ in the human body and probably the most complex creation present on this universe. It is evident that, the world’s greatest man made wonders are a result of the human brain making it the most amazing feature in a human being. 

* The human brain with its complexity acts like a storage device which holds safely a person’s most cherished memories. A person’s personality is by far influenced by the brain as well as generation of human consciousness which gives a person passion, motion and emotion.

*  A command center for the central nervous system, the brain serves human beings with ample physical and cognitive abilities. This are just a few vital roles that the human brain performs.

* The number of neurons present in the brain is approximately 100 billion which is about 15 times of the total human population on earth. This high number of neurons increases the processing ability of the brain.

*The neocortex is the portion of the human brain that is responsible for language and consciousness. It makes up approximately 76% of the human brain and making it the largest when compared to that in other animals.

* During early pregnancy, neurons have shown to multiply at a rate of 250,000 neurons per minute

* About 15-20% (750ml) of the total cardiac output is directed to the brain every minute.

* The human brain is not as perfect as it is thought of since in many instances it has been found to fool human beings making them to perceive things differently from the reality.

* Information runs between neurons in your brain for everything we see, think, or do. These neurons move information at different speeds. The fastest speed for information to pass between neurons is about 250 mph.

* Dreams are believed to be a combination of imagination, phycological factors, and neurological factors. They prove that your brain is working even when you are sleeping.

* The brain can’t feel pain. It interprets pain signals sent to it, but it does not feel pain.

* During the mummification process, Egyptians would usually remove the brains through the nose.

*Alcohol effects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slurred speaking, an unsteady walk, and more. These usually disappear once you become sober again. However, if you drink often for long periods of time, there is evidence that alcohol can affect your brain permanently and not reverse once you become sober again. Long term effects include memory issues and some reduced cognitive function.

* Eyewitness accounts of criminal suspects is usually only about 50 percent accurate because it is difficult for your brain to remember the details of someone you’re not familiar with. Traumatic events can also affect the brains ability to remember details.

* Computer or video games may help improve cognitive abilities. However, more studies must be conducted to learn how much they help or what types of games help.

* You have a finite amount of will power each day because to exercise will power you need energy in the form of oxygen and glucose That’s why it’s harder to say ‘no’ when you are tired or not feeling yourself.

* A thought is a physical pathway in the brain. The more you have that thought the more you groove that path and the easier it is to have it again. 

* Speaking of which, you have approximately 70,000 thoughts per day, although many will be the same ones looping round and round on your grooved cranial highway.

* Even if you consider yourself a left-brained person, your brain will still switch over to the right side every 90 to 120 minutes and then back again. That’s why even left-brained people can have times of the day when they are more creative and right-brained people can sometimes get their taxes in order.

* Reading out loud to kids accelerates their brain development.

* Reframing negative events in a positive light literally rewires your brain and can make you a happier person, as can regular meditation.

* Leaving aside degenerative brain disease, your brain never loses the ability to learn and change because it’s effectively plastic and constantly rewiring itself.

* If you were to measure your brainwave activity you wouldn’t see any drop off when you’re asleep. You may be napping, but your brain is still working hard pumping your heart, digesting your food, maintaining your blood pressure and much more to make sure you don’t wake up dead.

* Your brain is constantly lying to you when you have your eyes open. Because it cannot deal with every single detail that you’re looking at, the occipital lobe is joining the dots with what it presumes is there.

* Similarly, your brain doesn’t record memories like video as it would be easy to assume. It takes snapshots of the more important bits and then when you recall the event it guesses what happened in between based on prior experience.

* Your brain finds it very easy to create false memories largely because of the above and the fact that it spends so much time guessing what’s happening.

* The brain is very poor at concentrating for long periods of time and needs to clear it’s head so to speak about every 90 minutes or so. Which is why if you’re delivering training and you want to maximize results, you should allow people to take lots of mini breaks rather than one long break for lunch.

* Do you know how much amount of information is stored in National Archives of Britain? Around 70 terabytes covering 900 years of history. A human brain can have a storage capacity of anywhere between 3 terabytes and 1,000 terabytes.

* Normally we would think that our brain is far more active during day because it needs to process numerous information. Actually, that’s not true. Scientists have found out that brain is far more active when a person sleeps during night! Scientists don’t yet have an explanation for this but that’s a weird fact about brain!

* Scientists say that people with higher IQ dream more. Does that mean that if a person cannot remember a dream, he or she is mentally lacking? Not really! Even for people with very high IQ, dreams are really difficult to recall because most people forget 50% of their dreams in first 5 minutes after waking and 90% of the dream within 10 minutes.

* Dreams are black and white for nearly 12% of people.

* Why do people don’t act out of their dreams? That’s because when a person sleeps, the brain releases a hormone which virtually paralyzes the person.

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