Zimbabwe is set in south-central Africa, between two of the well known African rivers the Limpopo and the mighty Zambezi.
Zimbabwe’s western most corner thrusts into the Caprivi Strip where it meets the borders of Namibia, Angola, Botswana and Zambia.
Bounded by Zambia in the north and north-west, Mozambique in the east, South Africa in the south, and Botswana in the south-west.
The name "Zimbabwe" is derived from two words of Shona language 'dzimba' (meaning 'houses') and 'mabwe' (meaning 'stones') and can be translated into English as 'Big houses of stones' or 'honorable houses' Zimbabwe was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Zimbabwe Rhodesia (named after South African businessman Cecil Rhodes)
So these are interesting facts about Zimbabwe put together for you...
* Victoria Falls, the world's largest sheet of falling water, on the Zambezi River at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe was named in honour of Queen Victoria of United Kingdom by David Livingstone. The local name for the falls is 'Mosi-oa-Tunya' (meaning 'the Smoke that Thunders')
* The world's largest man-made lake and reservoir by volume, Lake Kariba on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe is formed by damming the Zambezi River.
* The stone-carved Zimbabwe Bird is the national emblem of Zimbabwe. The famous bird carvings stood on walls and monoliths of the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe Five of the carved birds were taken to South Africa by Cecil Rhodes. Four of the statues were returned to Zimbabwe by the South Africa, while the fifth remains at Groote Schuur, Rhodes' former home in Cape Town.
* Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa. 90% of the population in Zimbabwe is educated.
* Another interesting fact about Zimbabwe is that more than half of the people in Zimbabwe are below the age of 21.
* Lake Kariba, the world’s largest man-made lake and reservoir by volume. It is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
* In Zimbabwe, large stomachs on men are counted as a sign of wealth. This indicates that the person is financially sound enough to eat meat daily.
* Zimbabweans mostly call every kind of toothpaste “Colgate,” every soft drink “Coke,” every washing powder “Surf” and every floor polish “Cobra.” Isn’t it interesting!
* Zimbabwe has 16 official languages; English, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and sign language! This number is more than any other country in the world.
* A lion’s roar can be heard from 8 km away. Your heart thumping can be heard by the person next to you.
* Harare International Airport is the largest and busiest airport in Zimbabwe. The capital city of Zimbabwe is Harare. It was founded in 1890 as 'Salisbury' in honor of British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury. The name was changed to Harare in 1982, naming it after the Shona chieftain Neharawe.
* Zimbabwe president, Robert Mugabe was world's oldest living head of state in office. He was born on 21 February 1924 and became president of Zimbabwe on 22 December 1987
* Zimbabwe became an independent state on 18 April 1980.
The country was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia, the Republic of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe Rhodesia
* The name Zimbabwe has been derived from "Dzimba dza mabwe", which means "great houses of stone", in the Shona language. It is based on the stone structures of Great Zimbabwe or Dzimbahwe, which were included in the World Heritage List in 1986.
* The capital city of Zimbabwe is Harare.
* The country is home to some of the largest diamond and platinum reserves in the world.
* 'Blessed be the Land of Zimbabwe’ is the national anthem of Zimbabwe.
* The two main traditional symbols of Zimbabwe are the Zimbabwe Bird and the Balancing Rocks. Others include the flame lily and the Sable Antelope.
* About 50% of the population in the country comprises of Syncretics (part Christian, part indigenous beliefs), 25% are Christians and the rest follow indigenous beliefs.
* Mount Inyangani (2952m) is the highest point in Zimbabwe.
Agriculture, tourism and foreign trade are some of the major revenue earners of Zimbabwe. Mining has also caught up as a significant sector.
* One of World Heritage Sites in Zimbabwe is Khami, where artifacts from Europe and China have been found.
* Mapungubwe was the largest ancient kingdom in the sub-continent, before it was abandoned in the fourteenth century. It was added to the World Heritage List in 2003.
* The Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe are locally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya, "the smoke that thunders". They were designated as a World Heritage site in 1986.
* Lake Kariba of Zimbabwe, constructed on River Zambezi, is one of the world's largest manmade lakes in the world.
* Football is the most popular of sports in the country, along with rugby union and cricket.
* 98% of the population is constituted of black ethnic groups, the largest one being the Shona Group that comprises of a whopping
85% of the population. Here, you will also find members of the Portuguese, Dutch and Greek communities.
* Zimbabwe’s adult literacy rate is approximately 90%, which is amongst the highest in Africa.
* Zimbabwe is blessed with excellent tropical climate because the country is situated on a raised plateau, which is why this country is relatively cooler than its neighbours.
* According to WHO figures, men can expect to live to 37 years, and $women only 34.
* A lion’s roar can be heard from 8 km away. Your heart thumping can be heard by the person next to you. of President Mugabe’s biggest achievements has been education.
* In 2000, some 70% of the best land was owned by 4,000 white farmers and Mr Mugabe speeded up the process of seizing it and redistributing it to blacks.
* Many Zimbabweans survive on just one meal a day. Relief agencies say 25% of Zimbabweans require food aid.
* Multi-currency – Zimbabwe is the world’s largest Bureau de Change. You can buy a loaf of bread that’s priced at R10 (South African Rands), pay with Euros, and receive your change in US Dollars, Pula, AND Rands. Every Zimbabwean is basically a walking currency converter!
Ex-Zimbabwean president for 37 years
* Air Zimbabwe – some seats have no seat belts, so you just tighten the belt you’re wearing on your pants.
* If a girl asks you to take her out on a date somewhere expensive…you take her to a petrol station. You want to know why, travel down there.
* Zimbabwe is believed to be the location of Ophir, the ancient wealthy country from which King Solomon got ivory, gold, and such other precious items.
*To Zimbabweans, a big stomach among men is a sign of wealth. It implies that they can afford meat daily.
* The remains of early humans, dating back 500,000 years, have been discovered in present-day Zimbabwe.
* The major grain for consumption is maize, although in parts of the Zambezi Valley millet and sorghum are the principle grains.
* As one of the leading African countries for safari tourism, it is possible to see leopards, lions, elephants, rhinos, buffalo and antelopes here, amongst many other majestical wild creatures.
Zimbabwe grows cotton, corn, wheat and tobacco and rears cattle.
Its industry consists of coal, gold, steel, cement, chemicals and wood products. This beautiful country also exports gold, tobacco, textiles, clothing and ferroalloys.
* There can be random power outages in Zimbabwe lasting one hour to three days.
* Before the Zimbabwean national anthem was adopted, it was used as a school choir competition song.
* The criteria for voting in the 1979 elections in Zimbabwe were level of education, wealth, and income.
* Zimbabwe has the largest platinum and diamond reserves in the world.
* The law requires motorists to use headlights between 5:30PM and 05:30AM.
* In Zimbabwe, a wheelbarrow load of banknotes can buy only a loaf bread or tomatoes.
Mugabe Facts coming up next!!
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