Thursday, May 12, 2022

Ulcer is not caused by fasting or eating late. It's deeper than that and treatable


Stomach ulcer or what can otherwise be known as peptic ulcers, are sores in the lining of your stomach. 

The stomach has a layer made of thick mucous created to protect it from food digestion enabling acids. If there's a disruption in the mucous layer and the acid splashes directly on the stomach wall, it can create a painful sore.

The popular belief is ulcer is caused by when you don't eat on time or often as you should, some people even think one can easily develop ulcer when you fast all the time. That is not true. Ulcer is caused by some factors other than that.

Let's find out the truths and facts about ulcer.

* About 75% of people with stomach ulcers don’t experience any symptoms, until maybe after testing for another medical condition i.e. chronic heartburn or acid reflux. 

* Ulcers are frequently caused by a bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori, though its mode of transmission is hard to determine. Antibiotics can be effective in eliminating the bacteria.

* Unknown to many, ulcers MAY also be caused by long-term use of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs gotten over the counter or without doctor's prescription. These include; aspirin (Excedrin), naproxen (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Motrin). These drugs interrupt the stomach’s ability to protect itself from acid and can cause an ulcer.

* Contrary to popular belief, stress doesn’t cause stomach ulcers. Spicy foods don’t cause them either. However, stress can make ulcers worse. Reducing stress can be helpful in managing ulcers. Avoiding spicy foods and fatty foods can also help reduce symptoms.

* Spicy foods is yet to be proven as the primary cause of stomach ulcer. However, if you already have ulcers in your stomach linings, consuming an extremely spicy diet can lead to aggravation of the existing disease condition. Therefore, it is important for you to understand that spicy foods are only responsible for making the disease condition worse but are not responsible for triggering ulcer formation.

* Stomach ulcers can sometimes cause severe bleeding. Rarely, ulcers can cause bleeding so much that they need hospitalization or a blood transfusion. 

* Some ulcers will bleed slowly over time and lead to anemia.

* Symptoms of a bleeding ulcer may be black, tarry stool, or stool with dark blood. There may be vomit that is bloody or looks like coffee grounds.

* Good news is, stomach ulcers are often mild and can be treated easily with medications like proton-pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium).

* Thankfully, these 5 herbs that can be locally sourced have proven to heal ulcer. They are; Aloe Vera, Bridelia Micrantha, Lonchocarpus Cyanescens, Bauhinia Variegata Linn and Amaranthus Spinosus.

* Cigarette smoking also causes ulcers, maybe not directly but then it increases the risk of complications from ulcers such as bleeding, obstruction, and perforation. Cigarette smoking also is a leading cause of failure of treatment for ulcers.

* No proven relationship exists between peptic ulcer disease and the intake of coffee and alcohol. However, since coffee stimulates gastric acid secretion, and alcohol can cause gastritis, moderation in alcohol and coffee consumption is recommended.

* Milk can counteract the effects of spices and lessen its effects for people suffering from ulcers. Milk can provide temporary relief from the effects of ulcers but is not a treatment. Milk by nature is alkaline which can neutralize stomach acids.

* While black tea is known to soothe an upset stomach and is effective in treating diarrhea, it can worsen the symptoms of peptic ulcers. It should be on the list of foods and beverages to avoid when you have peptic ulcers. Black tea has been discovered to bring relief to alcohol related stomach ulcers.

* Turmeric has been known to heal a variety of conditions. Research done on whether turmeric does heal stomach ulcers is not definitive. However, it does not seem like it does help to treat ulcers. Some studies have shown that in some cases it actually makes ulcers worse.

* Ginger has been known to bring relief to a variety of stomach issues. It is helpful when it comes to bloating and nausea. It does alleviate some of the symptoms of ulcers. However, it does not treat peptic ulcers.

* People assume they have ulcers and never get the necessary test to confirm a diagnosis. When left untreated, it can cause severe discomfort and other health problems. Ulcers can be treated completely and cured with medication and adherence to restrictions. 

The most important thing is to seek medical assistance once it is discovered for easy and proper treatment. 

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