Friday, August 2, 2019

Do you know Garden eggs possess properties that prevent the development of cancer in the body? Check these interesting health facts about them

Garden egg is regarded as one of the greatest food, in terms of health benefits, most especially for pregnant women.

Called Obe-Igba by the Yorubas and afufa or anyara by the Igbos, Solanum melongena or eggplants, it is  highly valued as vegetable and constituent of the African food.

Studies have even suggested that eating eggplant can boost overall health and well-being. And with laboratory analyses showing that the phenolic compounds in eggplant contain anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, and chlorogenic acid, a powerful free-radical scavenger, it goes to say that this plant counts among the healthiest of its kind.

Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid function as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Studies show that consuming even small quantities of flavonoid-rich foods may benefit human health in various ways.

Studies have also shown that eating plant foods, such as eggplant, can boost overall health and wellbeing.

Also known as aubergine, guinea squash and brinjal in some other countries, it is rich in dietary fiber, low in calories. It provides a range of nutrients, such as vitamin B1, potassium, folate, manganese, magnesium, copper, Vitamin B6, niacin and other various secrete nutrients that and it features in the Mediterranean diet.

Let's now explore the immensely factual and amazing health benefits of Garden eggs...

* In Nigeria, garden eggs are usually at their best from August through October, though harvests could be early in some years. They can be either enjoyed fresh, with groundnut or cooked into a sumptuous sauce, which is eaten with boiled yam or plantain.

* Garden eggs are usually picked when green and they are eaten vegetables; cooked into stews and sauces or even consumed raw. Many people don’t even associate the garden egg with the red colour because most times it is harvested and eaten when it is still green. If picked after it is ripe, it can be enjoyed as a fruit, though some varieties are sourer than others. 

* Most garden eggs sold in markets in Nigeria come from locally grown, small plots of land. In fact, 80 percent of total production comes from small-scale growers.

* Eating garden egg especially the greenish type is beneficial in weight reduction because they contain low carbohydrates and calories essential for weight management.

* Anthocyanins, nasunin and flavonoids are important and powerful phytonutrients and antioxidants in garden egg that help to protect the body system and add many health-promoting benefits to the human body.

- Anthocyanins helps in preventing the development of cancer as well as other diseases that result in bacteria. Anthocyanins possess antioxidant properties that are responsible for protecting the whole body systems.

* Garden egg is a natural source of vitamins B’s such as thiamin, niacin, B6 and pantothenic acid that helps the body in the proper use of fat and protein; and also contributes to the nervous system positively.

- Vitamin B plays a vital role in promoting good health and well-being. It helps in brain development and also helps in making sure that the immune and nervous system works properly.

* Garden eggs contain a good amount of potent minerals such as folate, manganese, vitamin K, magnesium, vitamin C and copper that help in bone strengthening and general bone health.

- Garden egg also contains some amount of iron and calcium aids in reducing the chance of osteoporosis and bone degradation, thereby keeping your bones strong and healthy.

* Garden eggs are fibrous fruits that help in proper food digestion and controlling of bowel movement. Due to this fibre content in the fruit, they reduce constipation and improve digestion. It is an essential element in any balanced diet.

* The yellow/whitish-colour flesh has a bitter-sweet taste as a result of the presence of small amounts of nicotinoid alkaloids and spongy consistency which helps to lower eye pressure in persons with glaucoma without side effect even with high consumption.

* It is high in potassium, a necessary salt that helps in maintaining the function of the heart and regulate blood pressure.

* It helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

- Fibre aids greatly in gastrointestinal health and proper movement of bowels. Consuming eggplants will contribute a lot in digestion and consistence movement of bowels.

- These fruits are packed with minerals, vitamins and other nutritional properties that play a key role during pregnancy.

* Garden eggs are also rich in folic acid which is beneficial to pregnant women. Folic acid protects infants from neural tube defects that do occur.

* As a result of its potassium content, this vegetable also aids removes puffiness during pregnancy. It is common for pregnant women to get puffy because of weight gain and oedema, especially on the legs, but this can be controlled/prevented during the nine-month journey by regular consumption of garden egg.

* Garden egg has been found to serve as a natural medicine for treating several health conditions such as bronchitis, colic (pain in the abdomen caused by obstruction of the intestine); stress relief, headache and others, if consumed daily.

* Garden egg is a rich source of iron, which helps to increase red blood cell in the body, thereby aiding in fighting against anaemia or deficiency in iron.

* Garden eggs are also rich in copper, another important component of red blood cells. Consuming garden eggs helps in making the red blood cells to flow adequately through your veins, thereby causing a boost in strength and energy.

* Garden eggs which are a source of soluble fibre and carbohydrates can help in the control and prevention of diabetes.

* Foods rich in fibre and carbohydrate help in the regulation of blood sugar levels and glucose absorption.

* Garden eggs contain a high amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These minerals help in maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. It aids in neutralizing sodium effects in the body, thereby controlling blood pressure levels.

* An antioxidant in garden eggs known as chlorogenic acid also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

* Just as it happens with other foods that contain fibre, garden eggs help with digestion of food by ensuring the smooth passage of food in the body so that there is no chance of bloating, it prevents constipation and good for general colon health.

* Garden eggs are rich in vitamin B1 and B6 (thiamin and niacin). These vitamins are essential in the body for the proper functioning of the heart and cellular respiration. Its rich potassium also helps in blood pressure regulation.

- Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to cardiovascular problems. Therefore foods rich in vitamin B1 play a vital role in ensuring a healthy nervous system and improve the proper functioning of the cardiovascular.

* Vitamin B6 in garden eggs helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Consuming garden egg can greatly help in preventing heart disorders.

* Polyphenols in garden eggs have been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

- Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and, in turn, prevent tumor growth and the invasion and spread of cancer cells.

- The anticancer action of anthocyanins appears to include preventing new blood vessels from forming in the tumor, reducing inflammation, and blocking the enzymes that help cancer cells to spread.

* Findings from animal studies suggest that nasunin, an anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant that protects brain cell membranes from free radical damage. It also assists in the transport of nutrients into the cell and moving waste out.

* Research has also shown that anthocyanins help prevent neuroinflammation and facilitate blood flow to the brain. This could help improve memory and prevent age-related mental disorders, and this can be found in garden eggs.

* Research has suggested that the antioxidants in eggplant may help protect the liver from certain toxins.

* The cream-color flesh of garden egg has a pleasantly bitter taste and this is due to the presence of small amounts of nicotinoid alkaloids it contains.
Its spongy consistency helps to protect from poor vision caused by glaucoma as well as improving overall vision.

* Garcinia kola which is a property found in garden egg can be of much help for families with children or adults who are prone to having bronchitis. However, even if you don't have too frequently you can still benefit from eating it for the sake of your immune system.

You can conduct an extensive study on Garden egg by visiting this site...

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