Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Imagine!! See how members of a Youth Church are discussing about how to make money which has nothing to do with God.

A Church WhatsApp group which consists of youths (apparently its a youth church in Abeokuta) had its pastor initiate a discuss on how to make cool money online using various free sites and apps and the cross pollinating information was absolutely riveting and eye-opening. 

There's a lot you can learn from their conversation as the information is free and you can do further study to enhance your knowledge and set skills. 

This is how the conversation started...

[6/26, 10:25] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Guys, I woke up this morning very bothered. You can't just sit there and be looking. There is so much money on the internet. 

Whatever you are doing, you must connect to the crypto currency world. This year alone, Bitcoin has risen by 100 percent. Who doesn't want money doubling for doing nothing. 

Therefore, every second Saturday will be dedicated to coming together to discuss internet innovations that can help our investment life. We can't just be praying. We must also act.... 


[6/26, 10:59] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Crypto is the king

[6/26, 10:59] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Go to and see how much gains you could have made in US dollars if you had acted

[6/26, 21:19] All you ever need to be rich in this age is that smartphone you are using to read this and your functioning brain.

[6/26, 21:22] I still don't agree to this. 

Its a long term investment platform no doubt and with the incessant flunctuation, patience and discipline is a luxury or at best a scarce asset most people don't have.

[6/26, 21:25] When folks are milking hundreds of thousands just using MS word and Adobe to create simple documents.

[6/26, 21:26] Pastor Bayo JCCI: This is investment

[6/26, 21:27] Pastor Bayo JCCI: You are not even using your brain in crypto;  you use robot brain

[6/26, 21:27] Pastor Bayo JCCI: That's what makes the difference

[6/26, 21:28] Pastor Bayo JCCI: You don't need to spend time self, but in adobe and the rest, unless you are outsourcing or using a middle man, you still got to do the job yourself

[6/26, 21:29] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Robert Kiyosaki differentiated between the four in his cash flow quadrant... ESBI

[6/26, 21:29] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I is always the best

[6/26, 21:30] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I = Investment and that's where the real job independence is

[6/26, 21:31] Pastor Bayo JCCI: A well designed business plan will always attract investors or loaning agencies. Either way, you can't lack capital if your idea is great

[6/26, 21:32] We should all be looking towards cultivating skills that are in demand now.

[6/26, 21:33] I just did a simple project work plan using my strategic planning skill  for a client and he was wowed

[6/26, 21:34] Just using Mircosoft Excel and Adobe(I only used Adobe to save as PDF)

[6/26, 21:37] I am going to go ahead and do brand strategy(using my Storytelling and Copywriting skill) for this client and outsource brand identity(graphics design) since that isn't a  core.

[6/26, 21:42] We all need to wake up really. The data we spend viewing statuses and chatting could be spent on youtube.

[6/26, 21:43] Youtube is my best friend now.

[6/26, 21:43] Pastor Bayo JCCI: That's the point

[6/26, 21:43] Pastor Bayo JCCI: There is a wealth of info out there

[6/26, 21:44] I know graphics designers that only use Canva. Canva is a self designing platform.

[6/26, 21:44] Information Marketing!

[6/26, 21:44] Willy JCCI: YouTube
[6/26, 21:44] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I pray we would wake up really

[6/26, 21:44] Pastor Bayo JCCI: You can literally make money every minute on the internet

[6/26, 21:45] Willy JCCI: This generation is helped

[6/26, 21:45] I just look at people's folly and ignorance now and I laugh.

[6/26, 21:48] Lol yes I shake my head and laugh very well when  you try to enlighten these people and they still think you are scam.

[6/26, 21:49] Pastor Bayo JCCI: You would be surprised there are people that are still calling bitcoin a scam at this age when the whole info you need is just a googling away

[6/26, 21:52] Sam here bro, I want to share something that happened in my department on monday

[6/26, 21:52] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Forex is there, binary is there, crypto is there, info marketing is there and the list is endless

[6/26, 21:52] And it saves a whole lot of money than paying 4-5k for design

[6/26, 21:54] People now use to design their website rather than pay someone to design their website for them.

[6/26, 21:54] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I use canva too...

[6/26, 21:54] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Wix and wordpress

[6/26, 21:55] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I've made more than 5000 dollars using Wordpress to design websites and it takes less than 24 hours

[6/26, 21:55] Pastor Bayo JCCI: Because templates and plugins do the job. I just implement

[6/26, 21:55] Pastor Bayo JCCI: And get paid

[6/26, 21:56] I did a flyer design for my fellowship on campus and the tool is used wasn't photoshop or core draw or anything. I used Powerpoint

[6/26, 21:56] Pastor Bayo JCCI: I'm on one now as we chat. They would be paying me 550 dollars for using free templates and free plugins plus free YouTube..

[6/26, 21:58] On Monday, we had in my department what architecture students call "jury" which is a defense of your design. We had external "jurors" (people who give a critic of your work). Note this people are alumni of the department

[6/26, 22:03] These people came from outside the country to critic our work (one is a Dr in Edinburgh while the other brand that has done design for countries ranging from Brazil to France to China etc.) They didn't have anything good to say about our designs as they called it archaic, old school, out of fashion, without precedence.

[6/26, 22:06] Then they went ahead to show works of students within the range if 18-20 years and we all just were stunned at the beauty of this designs. We saw how they were able to play with their "ideas" and bring out something that was out of this world (I.e something we have never seen). The man went further to tell us that the way students are taught nowadays has stopped a lot of creativity to blossom.

[6/26, 22:08] He is a doctor in Edinburgh and he doesn't grade of teach the traditional way. He allows for creativity with a bit of guidance in the students which can be seen in the outcome of the design of the students. He went further to tell us that we all are limiting ourselves that the world has moved far from where we are and before we say we catch up to them, it takes hard work and determination.

[6/26, 22:12] He told to develop ourselves personally that the school system we are in is "sh*t" (in his own words) and that we should all find a way to beat the system or else it will continue to beat us. He went further to tell us that he would hire some that has skills, ideas to someone that has a first class or 2.1 (Google, Facebook etc) hire people based on skill not on certificates)

[6/26, 22:15] He then told us to read a whole lot of authors(in our field of study) and come up with ideas of our own. He said people are not going to hire you for what you know but what you do with what you know.


I am not a guru in this field but reading their convo has inspired me to further research on the sites listed. You can do same and catch up with the trends and wealth of knowledge on the digital platform. 

Making cool money is cool...making it the cool and legit way is even cooler๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

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