Saturday, June 8, 2019

Do you know that Children who ate processed junk foods showed lower IQ before age 3 than their peers when they clocked 8? Check out amazing facts about intelligent Quotient

An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. 

The abbreviation "IQ" was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests at University of Breslau he advocated in a 1912 book.

Historically, IQ is a score obtained by dividing a person's mental age score, obtained by administering an intelligence test, by the person's chronological age, both expressed in terms of years and months. The resulting fraction is multiplied by 100 to obtain the IQ score.

Having said that,  let's now explore the IQ world and see what facts makes this unique ubiquitous ability fascinating to man. 

* Breastfeeding

According to Psychology Today, kids who are breastfed are likely to have higher IQ levels by 3-8 points than kids who are not breastfed.

* Birth Order doesn’t affect IQ: IQ largely depends on genetics, gender, age, personality, family size, and parental age, not the position you are in family birth.

* Sadly,  lower IQ is Linked with Higher Suicidal Feelings: According to Swedish researchers, the link between lower IQ and suicidal thoughts is really big.

* People with low levels of IQ struggle to find the proper solution more than the others: This leads to mental stress that results with suicidal feelings.

* IQ is Related with Simple Abilities and Head Size:
We often hear how people with bigger heads have bigger brains and IQ. This could be true. Partially.

* A discovery talks about people with lower IQ and their less efficient nervous system.

* If your IQ is over 115, you’re able to do any job with less difficulty: Performing a task depends on your IQ. This could be really stressful for people with lower IQ. The complex jobs look like a dead end for them.

* IQ Varies Between Sexes: Even though we don’t want to hear about this, studies have shown that there is a slight difference between the IQs.

* Men score higher IQ in some sections like spatial awareness, while women score higher on language development and emotional quotient.

* Higher IQ Means Higher Confidence: People with higher IQ levels are more confident in what they do.

* IQ is affected by the environmental factors: It includes nutrition, socioeconomic status, stress, mood, friends, and attitude towards life.

* Scientists also found that education affects IQ: Students who are studying finance are more likely to have higher IQ than others.

* Creativity is Linked to IQ: Dr. Scott Kaufman revealed that higher IQ involves innovative ideas, reasoning, pattern, etc.

* IQ Tests Were Used to Diagnose Mental Retardation
In the 19th century: the IQ tests were the first sign of mental retardation. People who scored below 70 were set at the benchmark for mental retardation.

* IQ Reference Chart
     >145 – Genius
     120-144 – Exceptional
     110-119 – High
     90-109 – Average
     80-89 – Dull
     70-79 – Mild disability
     50-69 – Moderate disability
     20-49 – Severe disability
     Below 20 – Profound disability

* People with lower IQ are at greater risk of concussion.

* Back in the years,  mentioning IQ was a punishable act in the USSR.

* Feeling rejected has an effect on your IQ score. Ohio researchers claim IQ canplummet by 25 percent after being rejected. It's harder to think straight afterrejection.

* Wine drinkers on average have a higher IQ than beer drinkers. Studies show a slight advantage to wine drinkers — but do wine drinkers have higher IQs because they drink wine or vice-versa ? It may be that some people with high IQ reach ahigh social status and then choose to drink wine to fit in.

* A higher IQ employee will be more productive than a lower IQ employee even after years on the same job.

* The IQ you were born with won’t necessarily be the same as that you die with. While genetics plays a large role in determining intelligence, factors like education, job type, and even leisure activities can impact how intelligence changes as you age.

* Children who ate processed junk foods before the age of three were shown to have a lower IQ than their peers by the time they were eight years old. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals was shown to do the opposite.

* Those with higher levels of intelligence tend to worry more than their less intelligent counterparts.

* The more smart you are the more prone you are to mental illness

* Those Who Sleep Late, Wake Up Late, Are More Intelligent

* Terrence Tao has a verified IQ of 230 making him the current most intelligent man in the world. He is an Australian-born Chinese American mathematician. At 24 became the youngest ever full professor at UCLA.

* William Sidis was the most intelligent man in history. Born in 1898, already as a child showed extraordinary math and language skills. His intelligence quotient based on a psychological test of 1933, allegedly, was estimated at between 250 and 300.

* White people are NOT more intelligent, that was a mistake and myth! 

* Left-handed people are NOT more intelligent than right-handed! The idea that left-handed people are generally more intelligent than right-handed was based on the examples of famous left-handed people like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton. 

* In the last 100 years the IQ of women grew faster than that of men.

* Hong Kong has the highest number of people with the highest IQ in the world, and the average IQ is as high as 107. Second is Japan- it is known for its extremely rigorous education system, for which students have to devote much of their day and night to learning and schooling. Even 99 percent of the population is educated. The average IQ in Japan is 105.

* Serial killers are believed to have above-average intelligence. The average IQ of serial killers is 102.

You can read more about the world's smartest people here...

You can do an IQ test and know your level...

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