Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Stories that Touch #STT...Theresa May fires Deputy, Damian Green, over porn pictures and lies.

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Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday sacked her deputy Damian Green after a sleaze inquiry found he had failed to tell the truth about porn found on his computer. 

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The Cabinet Office investigation said he had issued two ‘inaccurate and misleading’ statements, denying he knew about the discovery made in a botched police raid on his Commons office in 2008.

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Sir Alex Allen, Theresa May’s adviser on ministerial interests, said the lack of candour amounted to two breaches of the ministerial code. This left the PM with no choice but to ask her friend of 30 YEARS and deputy to resign.

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Mr Green, 61, who was first secretary of state, became the third Cabinet minister to resign in two months, following the exits of Sir Michael Fallon and Priti Patel.

His fall from high office is the culmination of a decade-long feud with former Met Police chief Bob Quick, who revealed that 'extreme' porn was found on Mr Green's Commons computer during a raid on his parliamentary office back in 2008. A friend of Mr Green said the police had ‘got their man after a nine-year vendetta’. 

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His departure is a bitter blow to the PM, who relied heavily on her old university friend. In a letter to him last night, she said she was ‘extremely sad’ about his departure. 

Mr Quick is said to have never forgiven those he believes sabotaged his high-flying career following his investigation into Mr Green nearly a decade ago. His simmering fury over the circumstances in which he left the police has seen him dubbed ‘Bitter Bob’ by a number of former colleagues.

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From Daily

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