Sunday, December 31, 2017

Every time you eat sugarcane you're actually eating grass? Check out these interesting facts about #Sugarcane and its amazing health benefits

Not many people think of sugar when they are trying to get healthy, but drinking raw sugarcane juice has a surprising number of health benefits and is loaded with critical nutrients that our body needs.
Belonging to a grass family, sugarcane is easy to grow anywhere and is available at very cheap prices. Even though it is native to Papua New Guinea, it has become a part of the crop production of more than half of the world, including Asia and America. You can either eat pieces of sugarcane or drink a glass of sugarcane juice topped with mint, ginger, and black rock salt.

* Sugarcane is actually a grass as it belongs to the grass family poaceaean. This grass family also includes economically important seed plants like maize, wheat, rice, and sorgum and many forage crops.

* Sucrose a bye product of sugarcane, extracted and purified in specialized mill factories, is used as raw material in human food industries or is fermented to produce ethanol.

* Sugarcane was the world’s largest crop by production quantity In 2012.

* Brazil is the largest producer of sugar cane in the world.
* Sugar is made from sugar cane.

* Today, sugarcane is the world largest crop. In 2010 it was estimated that over 23.8 million hectares of sugarcanes were cultivated in over 90 countries around the world, with a worldwide harvest of 1.69 billion tonnes.

* The stalks of sugarcane contain sugar which is used to sweeten drinks and foods. The remaining stalk after sugar has been extracted is burned to generate heat and electricity. It is also used to make cardboard, paper and cutlery.

* The crop needs high rainfall and high temperature. The plant requires high content of water. Compost manure and chemical fertilizers are used as the crop absorbs nutrient matter from soil.

* Sugar is produced from sugarcane juice located in the stalk of the plant, and is done through a milling process, which involves crushing, heating, cooling and refining.

* In some regions, people use sugarcane reeds to make pens, mats, screens, and thatch.

* In the beginning sugar was extracted from sugarcanes by chewing and extracting fluids via water, but in 5th century AD Indian chemist found a way to crystalize extracted sucrose, making sugar much easier to transport.

* Sugarcane plants takes 9 to 24 months to grow to maturity, depending on the climate, and they are the raw material that produces 80% of the world’s sugar production, while the plants are also used for making ethanol, molasses, bagasse, rum and other products.

* The majority of a sugarcane stalk is made of water, with up to three quarters possible, while up to 16% can be sugar, and the fibre content can be also be up to 16%.

* Sugarcane juice is derived from the sugarcane plant, which is also the source of the majority of white table sugar and processed sugar that we find in our foods. Sugarcane juice is not widely known about, but it is particularly popular in countries that have a large production of sugarcane, such as Brazil, India, and Thailand.

* Sugarcane is also the base ingredient for dozens of other products like rum to biofuel and ethanol.
* While many of the products created from sugarcane can be dangerous to overall health, particularly when consumed in excess, the processing of sugarcane strips away many of the critical minerals, vitamin, and fiber that can be gained from this plant. Raw sugarcane juice contains many of those natural nutrients, which can be used by the body to improve health in numerous ways.

* The fibres of the sugarcane plant can be woven into mats; used for paper-making purposes; and added to other fibres to make fabric.

* Australia, parts of the United States, Asia’s India and Indonesia, the Pacific Islands and South America – including Peru and Brazil, are popular sugarcane farm locations, while in 2013, Brazil was the largest producer of the crop in the world.

* Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice
The top benefits of sugarcane juice include lowering blood pressure, strengthening the bones, reducing cholesterol, fighting infections, soothing stress and anxiety, boosting energy levels, supporting kidney health, strengthening the immune system, protecting the skin, optimizing digestion and managing diabetes, among others.

* In terms of Skin Care...
One of the unique components of sugarcane juice is alpha hydroxy acids, specifically glycolic acid, which has been linked to antioxidant effects on the skin. This juice, when regularly consumed, can clear up skin inflammation and infections, while also improving the appearance of skin and reducing signs of aging, such as wrinkles, blemishes, discoloration, and scars.

* Prevent decaying of tooth
Sugar cane and the juice extracted from it help to prevent tooth decay effectively. It has high content of minerals so sugarcane juice helps in prevention of tooth decay and also limits the issue of bad breath. After meals, consume a piece of fragrant sugar cane as a dessert to promote the breath and also avoid tooth decay.

* Relieves sore throat and flu
An intake of one glass of sugar cane regularly prevents the body from illnesses such as colds, sore throats and flu. The people with these problems might be helpful with sugarcane. It also helps to moisturize body and assist to treat diabetes, kidney stones, flu, jaundice, cancer and sore throat.

* Bone Mineral Density
Intake of this juice boosts calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and manganese levels in the body, making it a critical part of strengthening your bones. This, in turn, helps to prevent the development of osteoporosis. A single glass of this juice every day can keep your bones strong as you age.

* It improves Digestion
There are certain laxative qualities of sugarcane juice, thanks to its supply of dietary fiber. The fiber helps stimulate peristaltic motion, heal inflammation in the gut, and relieve symptoms of constipation, bloating and cramping.

* it enhances Lower Cholesterol Levels
Studies have found that drinking raw sugarcane juice can help to lower overall cholesterol levels, both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which can further protect your heart and prevent cardiovascular disease as you age.

* Very good for Stress Management
Some of the amino acids found in sugarcane juice, in addition to tryptophan and magnesium, can help to balance your stress hormone levels and even help to induce sleep.

* ensures Normal Blood Pressure
With its supply of potassium, sugarcane juice is able to reduce the strain and tension in blood vessels and arteries, effectively lowering blood pressure, and reducing your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

* It Strengthenes Immune System
With a rich supply of vitamin C and antioxidants, this juice is known to stimulate and boost the immune system, particularly infections in the stomach, liver and respiratory tracts. It can also help to prevent the onset of chronic disease including cancer or the prostate, colon, and breast.\

* Sugarcane Boosts Energy
Unlike drinks and foods that are packed with processed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, the natural supply of sugars in sugarcane juice can provide a solid stock of energy that can start your day off strong and regulate the release of glucose in your body for a healthy “sugar high”.

* It has the ability to Prevent Kidney Stones
Numerous studies have linked the consumption of sugarcane juice with a lower occurrence of urinary tract infections and a lower risk of developing kidney stones. Essentially, this juice detoxifies the body and protects the function of the body’s detoxing centers.

* Sugarcane Juice good for Diabetes
This juice has a surprisingly low glycemic index, based on the types of sugars that are found in the juice, so it is actually more beneficial than your average fizzy drink or soda, as the sugars are more slowly absorbed and processed by the body, preventing the sugar rush that many people associate with high glycemic beverages. For people not suffering from Type 2 diabetes, this drink can actually help to regulate your blood sugar levels, when consumed in moderation.

* However, for patients with Type 2 diabetes, it is important to speak with a doctor before consuming this juice.

* Experts around the world recommend using sugarcane juice during pregnancy, as it can help to boost the metabolism, improve digestion, reduce symptoms of morning sickness, provide energy throughout the day, thanks to its low glycemic index, and can boost the immune system naturally, rather than having to rely on pharmaceuticals or antibiotics.

* It also helps eliminate symptoms of constipation, another frequent complaint by pregnant women.

** Disadvantages Of Sugarcane Juice
Some of the negative side effects of this juice include headaches, stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, a worsening of bleeding disorders and the potential for insomnia. Most of these side effects occur if you consume high concentrations of sugarcane juice; remember, only 1 glass per day is required to derive most of this juice’s benefits.

So keep eating your grass, and keep getting healthy all the way. In the meantime, learn more about Sugarcane and its benefits...credits go to

check out the link below...

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