Thursday, January 14, 2021

Did you know that children with long fingers are better at maths? Find out more about fingers from this compilation

Usually human beings have 5 fingers on each hand with the first, smallest and fat one called the thumb, after that, it is index, the third is center, the fourth is ring and the fifth is the tiny or pinky. 

*Fingers have only one muscle. It is called the arrector pili muscle, and it moves all of your finger joints.

* The more testosterone you have, the longer your ring finger will be.

*There is a vein in your left finger called vena amoris (vein of love) that is once believed to be connected directly to your heart. That's why wedding rings are worn on the left finger.

* According to experts, most successful men have ring fingers that are longer than their less successful counterparts.

* Studies have shown that children with long fingers are better at maths.

* Curl your middle finger inward and lay your hand flat on a table. Lift your thumb, index finger, and pinkie.
Now try the ring finger. You can't lift it because it shares a muscle with your pinky and middle fingers, and it can't work on its own.

* Each hand has 29 major and minor bones, as well as 123 ligaments holding the whole structure together. 34 muscles which move the fingers and thumb, 48 nerves and 30 named arteries.

* Your fingernails grow about four times as fast as your toenails. 

* Your slowest-growing nails are the ones that are on the shortest fingers. 
* The nail on your middle finger grows fastest.

* You know that your fingerprints are unique, but did you know that the odds of one human being having the same tongue print as another are about one in a million?

*There are some people worldwide who have no fingerprints at all and no one knows why it is so

* Fingernails and hairs are made of the same material. That means fingers are actually modified hairs.

*Nails tend to grow at a faster rate during the summertime, and they typically grow faster on a person's dominant hand.

*On average, women tend to have longer index fingers and men tend to have longer ring fingers.

*When the hand is kept wet, the skin of the palm wrinkles. However, when the nerve which supplies feeling to an area of skin on the palm is cut, that area of skin not only becomes numb, loses its ability to wrinkle when wet. It also loses the the ability to sweat.

* The wrinkles on the back of the finger knuckles are actually dimples, and mark areas where the skin is attached to the tendon beneath the skin.

*White children are four times more likely than black children to be born with webbed fingers.

* Black children are ten times more likely than white children to be born with extra fingers. Syndactyly/Polydactyly

*The muscles which power the fingers are strong - strong enough for some people to climb vertical surfaces supporting their entire weight at times by a few fingertips.

* The man with the largest hand in the world is Lui Hua of China. His left thumb measures 10.2 inches in length and his index finger is almost 12 inches long. The man suffers from a rare condition called “Macrodactyly”. He was operated and 11 pounds of flesh and bone were removed.

*Two persons hold the record of having the most number of fingers in the world they are Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne both of India. Menaria and Harne, who were born in 2005 and 1995, respectively, both has 25 in total – 12 fingers and 13 toes. 

*The fingertips possess the highest concentration of touch receptors and thermoreceptors compared to all areas of the human skin. 

* Fingertips are extremely sensitive to temperature, texture, moisture, pressure and vibration.

*The ring finger is the most fragile finger for the reason that it contributes to a flexor muscle with the centre and pinky.

*As state, every human being has a exclusive fingerprint but it is probable that two persons or twins can have indistinguishable fingerprint. The unusual case happens 1 out of 100 million. 

*A study in the City of London has also shown that male traders with the longest ring fingers earned up to six times as much as their colleagues. 

*According to investigation carried out by  specialists, they established that the most winning men have extended ring fingers.

*Divination by looking at a person's fingernails is called 'Onychomancy'.

*The index fingers on the Statue of Liberty are 8ft long.

*Henry VIII's second wife, Anne Boleyn, had six fingers on her right hand. The medical term for such an abnormality is ‘polydactylism’.

*Research has shown that top sprinters have long ring fingers.

*The Oxford Dictionary lists seven names for the second finger: it is the demonstrator, forefinger, insignitur, lickpot, index, teacher or weft finger.

*The ring finger can also be called the leech finger, physician finger or wedding finger.

*The little finger is the ear finger, mercurial finger or pinkie.

Usually human beings have 5 fingers on each hand with the first, smallest and fat one called the thumb, after that, it is index, the third is center, the fourth is ring and the fifth is the tiny or pinky. 

*Fingers have only one muscle. It is called the arrector pili muscle, and it moves all of your finger joints.

* The more testosterone you have, the longer your ring finger will be.

*There is a vein in your left finger called vena amoris (vein of love) that is once believed to be connected directly to your heart. That's why wedding rings are worn on the left finger.

* According to experts, most successful men have ring fingers that are longer than their less successful counterparts.

* Studies have shown that children with long fingers are better at maths.

* Curl your middle finger inward and lay your hand flat on a table. Lift your thumb, index finger, and pinkie.

Now try the ring finger. You can't lift it because it shares a muscle with your pinky and middle fingers, and it can't work on its own.

* Each hand has 29 major and minor bones, as well as 123 ligaments holding the whole structure together. 34 muscles which move the fingers and thumb, 48 nerves and 30 named arteries.

* Your fingernails grow about four times as fast as your toenails. 

* Your slowest-growing nails are the ones that are on the shortest fingers. 

* The nail on your middle finger grows fastest.

* You know that your fingerprints are unique, but did you know that the odds of one human being having the same tongue print as another are about one in a million?

*There are some people worldwide who have no fingerprints at all and no one knows why it is so

* Fingernails and hairs are made of the same material. That means fingers are actually modified hairs.

*Nails tend to grow at a faster rate during the summertime, and they typically grow faster on a person's dominant hand.

*On average, women tend to have longer index fingers and men tend to have longer ring fingers.

*When the hand is kept wet, the skin of the palm wrinkles. However, when the nerve which supplies feeling to an area of skin on the palm is cut, that area of skin not only becomes numb, loses its ability to wrinkle when wet. It also loses the the ability to sweat.

* The wrinkles on the back of the finger knuckles are actually dimples, and mark areas where the skin is attached to the tendon beneath the skin.

*White children are four times more likely than black children to be born with webbed fingers.

* Black children are ten times more likely than white children to be born with extra fingers. Syndactyly/Polydactyly

*The muscles which power the fingers are strong - strong enough for some people to climb vertical surfaces supporting their entire weight at times by a few fingertips.

* The man with the largest hand in the world is Lui Hua of China. His left thumb measures 10.2 inches in length and his index finger is almost 12 inches long. The man suffers from a rare condition called “Macrodactyly”. He was operated and 11 pounds of flesh and bone were removed.

*Two persons hold the record of having the most number of fingers in the world they are Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne both of India. Menaria and Harne, who were born in 2005 and 1995, respectively, both has 25 in total – 12 fingers and 13 toes. 

*The fingertips possess the highest concentration of touch receptors and thermoreceptors compared to all areas of the human skin. 

* Fingertips are extremely sensitive to temperature, texture, moisture, pressure and vibration.

*The ring finger is the most fragile finger for the reason that it contributes to a flexor muscle with the centre and pinky.

*As state, every human being has a exclusive fingerprint but it is probable that two persons or twins can have indistinguishable fingerprint. The unusual case happens 1 out of 100 million. 

*A study in the City of London has also shown that male traders with the longest ring fingers earned up to six times as much as their colleagues. 

*According to investigation carried out by  specialists, they established that the most winning men have extended ring fingers.

*Divination by looking at a person's fingernails is called 'Onychomancy'.

*The index fingers on the Statue of Liberty are 8ft long.

*Henry VIII's second wife, Anne Boleyn, had six fingers on her right hand. The medical term for such an abnormality is ‘polydactylism’.

*Research has shown that top sprinters have long ring fingers.

*The Oxford Dictionary lists seven names for the second finger: it is the demonstrator, forefinger, insignitur, lickpot, index, teacher or weft finger.

*The ring finger can also be called the leech finger, physician finger or wedding finger.

*The little finger is the ear finger, mercurial finger or pinkie.

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