Thursday, January 14, 2021

Where were you in 1967? This currently active Japanese footballer has been playing way before you were born

Behold the oldest, active footballer in the world!!

Did you know that the first set of footballers that represented Nigeria played football barefooted? What a sacrifice!! Read more

On August 16, 1949 when 18 largely barefooted footballers boarded an Elder Dempster ship, MV Apapa heading to Liverpool in England.

Did you know that children with long fingers are better at maths? Find out more about fingers from this compilation

Usually human beings have 5 fingers on each hand with the first, smallest and fat one called the thumb, after that, it is index, the third is center, the fourth is ring and the fifth is the tiny or pinky. 

I wan japa go UK!! What do you even know about UK?

England  Country: England's is a single country within the United Kingdom. Capital: London. Geography: It is located in the southern par...