Monday, September 24, 2018

DO YOU KNOW...Humans spend about a third of their lives asleep? Here are Amazing facts about Sleeping

Image result for black people sleeping

As humans we spend an average of 25 years sleeping, that’s a third of our life.

Find out more about Sleeping Facts and be amazed about this fascinating feature of nature.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Do You Know Some Fruits can Poison You and Make You Sick to Death? Here are some interesting Facts about Fruits...

Image result for fruits

We do eat fruit produced from plants every day or time but we do not know the one that carries lethal poisons. Most of us think that eating fruit can be nothing but healthy, but the truth is...there are hidden dangers in many common foods. Poisons that make you sick, paralyze and even kill you are hidden in some of our favorites.

People accidentally kill themselves by ignorantly eating the wrong part of a plant or fruit. In order to ensure that this never happens to you, here is a list of poisonous fruits you have to be careful dealing with...

I wan japa go UK!! What do you even know about UK?

England  Country: England's is a single country within the United Kingdom. Capital: London. Geography: It is located in the southern par...