Monday, October 2, 2017

Do You Know Why the Wedding Ring is Worn on the Ring Finger? Check Out this Amazing Facts About Our Fingers to Find Out!!

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A finger is a limb of the human body and a type of digits, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates. Normally humans have five digits, the bones of which are termed phalanges, on each hand, although some people have more or fewer than five due to congenital disorders such as polydactyly or oligodactyly, or accidental or medical amputations.

However, there are some amazing and interesting facts about th fingers that you need to know. So I did a compilation of these interesting points about your fingers so you can have a better understanding and know how well to use them. Enjoy...

* There are 27 bones, 29 joints and at least 123 named ligaments in the human hand.

* What sets our hands apart from other animals is our opposable thumbs—this means our thumbs and fingers can work together ( fun fact: koala bears also have opposable thumbs).

* Experts have actually conducted research that seems to indicate that the most successful men have ring fingers that are longer than their less successful counterparts.


* You cannot get a tan on your palm and underside of your fingers.

*  Each hand has 29 major and minor bones, as well as 123 ligaments holding the whole structure together.
    * Studies show that children who have long fingers are better at math. 


    * You know that your fingerprints are unique, but did you know that the odds of one human being having the same tongue print as another are about one in a million? Interestingly, there are also a handful of people worldwide who have no fingerprints at all. No one knows why this happens.
      * Each hand has 29 major and minor bones, as well as 123 ligaments holding the whole structure together.
        * Fingernails are actually modified hairs, structurally speaking. They are made of the same material.
          * When you think about the movements that your fingers are capable of, it might be hard to believe that each finger has only one muscle, but its true. Its called the arrector pili muscle, and it moves all of your finger joints.

          * Curl your middle finger inward and lay your hand flat on a table. Then lift your thumb, index finger, and pinkie. No problem, right? Now try the ring finger. You cant lift up it up, right? Thats because it shares a muscle with your pinky and middle fingers, and it cant work independently.

          * Fingerprints are a completely unique DNA imprint that is different in every single human being. No two human beings in the world have similar fingerprints.

          Interesting Facts about Our Fingers

          * Some individuals in the world have six fingers on one hand. Isn’t it amazing? Yes certainly it is. This is just because of abnormal growth of the fingers, but that is never irritating for any of us.
          * The average hand length for adult women is 6.7 inches. The average length for men is 7.4 inches
          * The man with the largest hand in the world is Lui Hua of China. His left thumb measures 10.2 inches in length and his index finger is almost 12 inches long. The man suffers from a rare condition called “Macrodactyly”. He was operated and 11 pounds of flesh and bone were removed.
          * Fingers don’t have muscles—tendons in our fingers are moved by the muscles of the forearm.
          * While the middle finger is your middling, your midsfinger or your nameless finger
          * Men tend to have longer ring fingers than index fingers—girls vice versa.

          * The Oxford Dictionary lists seven names for the second finger: it is the demonstrator, forefinger, insignitur, lickpot, index, teacher or weft finger.

          * Two persons hold the record of having the most number of fingers in the world they are Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne both of India. Menaria and Harne, who were born in 2005 and 1995, respectively, both has 25 in total – 12 fingers and 13 toes.
          * Hand surgeons say that the index finger is the best one to lose—if you had a choice. The index finger is needed the least.

          * Your fingernails show your state of health. They can indicate problems such as mineral or vitamin deficiencies, liver trouble, thyroid or anemia. Some warning signs of deficiencies that show up on your nails may be that they are brittle, pale or spotted. (I'll soon gather up facts about fingernails and post them up so you'd know how healthy you are).

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          * The color of the nails and those small “moons” on each nail can identify the quality of oxygen level of the bloodstream and blood circulation.

          * Our fingers are even more sensitive than the eyes—the fingertips have a large number of receptors responsible for sending messages to the brain.

          * The vein on your ring finger is called Venna Amoris—it has a direct line with the human heart and is known as the vein of love. That’s why we wear an engagement ring on the left hand’s finger!

          * Nails stop growing after death

          * Structurally, fingernails are actually modified hairs

          * Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured prisoners to be cut off

          6% of all men and 9.9% of all women are left handed

          * It takes up to 6 months for a fingernail to grow from root to tip.

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          *You may not know but the fingertips possess the highest concentration of touch receptors and thermoreceptors compared to all areas of the human skin. Fingertips are extremely sensitive to temperature, texture, moisture, pressure and vibration.

          * The Medical Latin English adjective for thumb is pollical.

          * Traders with long ring fingers compared to others made up to 11 times their earnings.

          * Children with longer ring fingers perform better in number-based subjects like mathematics and physics.

          * Each hand contains 24 named sensory branches, 21 named muscular branches, 30 named arteries and nearly as many smaller named branches.

          27.) Each hand contains 29 major and minor bones and 29 major joints and at least 123 named ligaments.

          * The thumb is controlled by 9 individual muscles, which are controlled by and all 3 major hand nerves.

          * The fastest growing nails are those at the longest fingers and the slowest growing nails are those at the shortest fingers. Each finger and toenail takes six months to grow from base to tip.

          * The thumb is considered as the first digit of human fingers.

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