Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Did you know that a rebellious campaign was initiated against the reinstituted anthem "Nigeria, we hail thee"? Check it out!!

Nigeria's national anthem, "Nigeria, We Hail Thee," has recently returned to the center stage after serving as the anthem from independence in 1960 until 1978. 

Let's delve into some facts about the anthem, "Nigeria, We Hail Thee."

Did you know that last-borns are class clowns but are the most loyal of the park? Let's find out!!

Last-borns, the baby of the bunch, often get a reputation for being charming, easygoing, and the life of the party. But is there any truth to these stereotypes? And what's it really like to grow up as the youngest sibling?

Friday, May 24, 2024

Did you know rain can be deadly? Here are interesting facts about rain

Rain. It seems so simple, yet this everyday occurrence holds a world of wonder. From the way it smells to where it falls on other planets, rain is full of surprises. So, grab your umbrella (or raincoat, if you prefer) and let's delve into 20 amazing facts about this gift from the skies!

I wan japa go UK!! What do you even know about UK?

England  Country: England's is a single country within the United Kingdom. Capital: London. Geography: It is located in the southern par...